Friday, August 7, 2009

Number 5

When I woke up this morning and saw that red sunrise I thought "Red sky at morn sailors take warn." And sure enough, it's gloomy and raining out. Although I can see from my window here that the ducks are loving it. I can even hear them quaking. And I suppose this weather is nice and appropriate for today's topic which is my final piece on the sorrowful mysteries.

I'm not entirely sure why I decided to write on these other than that I do think on them quite a bit. Also, the closing of the School of Theology earlier this year sort of destroyed my outlet. So far the only thing I've heard about these is that they are not well received. But no matter, I like them and this is my blog.

The 5th sorrowful mystery is the Crucifixion. I'm not a big fan of this one. Typically I have each decade of the rosary devoted towards a special intention. For example, Mom and Dad get the second decade. Well the fifth I save for my most worldly material concerns, which touches on things I probably shouldn't be wasting a whole decade on. So here I am praying for a hot girl friend or something like that, while meditating on Jesus hanging on the Cross which is partially on account of my own actions. To make it worse, I'm praying to His Mom who had was there watching it all.

I remember one year when I was little, being in Odyssey of the Mind. When I was little I was hardly well behaved (not that I am now), and this one night I was a bit rowdier than usual. Dad was pretty furious at me, and even though I knew it was a long shot on the way home I asked if we were going to stop for ice-cream. I did not get ice-cream that night. I guess I haven't changed much. Even though I'm still as bad as ever I'm still asking the very people I've offended to give me what I want. My hope is that Jesus isn't quite so stern as Dad, and since hope is the second greatest virtue I figure praying for that hot girl friend is actually sanctifying because I give that virtue such a good workout.

Even though it's been completely ruined by TV Evangelicals, and Kumbaya-lovers, 'I have decided to follow Jesus' is actually not all that bad. As kids we used to sing it all the time at school Masses. Now it gets no air time, except when it's being ruined. Anyway, I find the second verse to be a great mantra when I find myself in prickly situations, "The Cross before me, the world behind me." At Easter Mass this year, the priest, an African African, sang it with his great accent solo style during his homily. He even was doing some hand motions. It was all disgustingly cute, but the message wasn't lost on anyone. And it has a good point.

There you have it. Fantastically, the rain has stopped and there's some sunshine coming through. So I have to go now. I don't yet know if I'll have a good lighter topic to post on tomorrow or not, but I'll try to think of something.