Thursday, April 29, 2010

Dancing Hinderance

There were a lot of new people at salsa last night. This was the second to last lesson of the year, but for whatever reason a lot of people decided to show up. Many of them seemed to have a Latino or Spanish background. Because of the many new faces the instructor did a lot of reviewing which was fine by me. But soon enough he decided it was time to move on for the sake of us who had been loyally coming.

Last night we learned several new moves, and each one built on the previous one, so by the end we were really moving around. Near the end one of the regular girls rotated to me as the one I was with rotated to the next guy. She asked if the girl speaks Spanish. I said that I only heard her speaking English. Then she asked if I speak Spanish, and I said not a word. She said that she thinks I'm the only one in this class that doesn't know Spanish. Then jokingly she said, that considering how many people in the class seem to have Spanish as their first language, that I was hindering the class's progress because everyone had to slowly speak English. I smiled and responded it isn't my skill at speaking Spanish that is hindering the class.