Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Safety Dance

This Saturday is the big dance. I was invited on Monday. Apparently my friends, who I typically see once a week, completely forgot to tell me about it. One thought I already knew, and the other apologized profusely that he had gotten lost in his upcoming wedding plans. Okay, I can understand that, but it certainly put a damper on things.

First asking a girl to go at this point is pointless. I'm not taking 'just a friend' because I'm not in the 8th grade, and no self-respecting girl should want to go after being asked four days before. When I explained this to my friends they both asked if I had wanted to take anyone. I told them I had no one to take, regardless if I wanted to, but I could have spent a good deal of time stressing over it the past couple weeks as is proper. Then they said they did me a favor.

Maybe I won't go in the first place. There are many reasons why, but to choose only one I would have to go with the music which is generally dreadful. The stress of seeing a bunch of people I know, many who go to this single and then feeling obligated to dance with the ones who aren't dancing with anyone is also something I don't relish. What sounds like more fun would be leaving those friends behind, pulling out Dance Dance Revolution and having at it. I get to stay in my palace, play awesome music, and dance in my undies.

Still I'll probably show up anyway. While I do have things I wanted to do that night, all of them involved me in my apartment so I suppose getting out would be best. Additionally I ran into Stacy the same day I got my invite and she asked if I was going. When I told her that I hadn't yet decided because there are several things I had wanted to do that night, she said she wanted me to go. Of course she doesn't want me going with her, but if the two of us should happen to bonk into each other there that would be acceptable. Had I any pride I might be upset, but I'll take whatever pleasant bonkings I can get (there has to be a better way to phrase that).

I guess this means I'll be paying particularly close attention during salsa dancing tonight.