Friday, April 23, 2010

Dayton or Lottery Tickets

Today I was asked if I would like to move to Dayton for at least 5 years. I had 20 minutes to make the decision.

More and more I have been thinking about getting out of dodge. A part of this is self-preservation because in about a year and a half I really may have no choice on the matter due to some changes that will be occurring with my work. There are several unknowns that may or may not happen, but very few of them look promising. As a result I've taken on a similar mindset to the one I had during my last years in school both undergrad and grad. At those time I had to consider what was next in life and make all of those big decisions like where to live and what to do.

Moving away from here wouldn't be all that bad, in fact I'd probably welcome the idea because I don't care much to be here. I like my job, the Church I go to, and where I live, that's about it. And all of those are things I can find elsewhere. I suppose what's really holding me back is that I still had a few things I had really hoped to do here. The difficulty would not lie with moving away but with moving on. So until I really feel the pressure that things are coming to an end, moving to Dayton for 5 years on a whim just isn't going to happen.

Nevertheless, at some point I need to realize that those things that keep me here may never come to fruit, and I should start making decisions now while I have plenty of time rather than later.

Right now I have a few ideas in mind. One is a radically different career path. I'm not the brightest crayon in the box so sticking with my current occupation probably won't lead me very far. I'll reach a peak, if I'm not there already, but will still be able to see way up the mountain where I won't be able to reach. So maybe I can explore elsewhere. One idea would be opening a store of some sort. That requires a lot of work though for uncertain payoffs. Both of those don't fit well with my decadent lazy lifestyle where I get paid insane wages to sit and think, sometimes even to think about what I want to do. Or maybe I could go get an MBA and work my way up the corporate ladder. But I have misgivings about that too. Pretty much all of the white collars I know are miserable, over-worked, and have bad family lives. Maybe it's the economy but in reality it's probably that it's just awful unrewarding work that pays a lot. Therefore I think my best option may be to play the lottery and get rich off a multimillion dollar jackpot. That by definition would be rewarding, pays a lot, and allows me to continue to sit around and daydream.