Monday, April 12, 2010

Abstract Permutations

My cousin is getting married in late September, in Michigan. My family was invited and since my Mom handled the talking with my cousin's Mom, all the important details were worked out. Specifically my sister and I can bring dates.

On Friday I talked to my sister about this. She wanted to know if I am going to bring someone. That made me laugh pretty hard. Then she told me I had to bring someone. So I explained to her the unlikelihood of that happening. It's going to be right after summer break and that means I'll have had to find someone with all the students gone. There is a chance, Stacy will be here over the summer but she's not about to start dating me. Maybe someone else will come along, it's always possible I suppose. But I don't mind going alone. If I were legitimately in a relationship I would like to bring her to introduce her to everyone else. But otherwise I like the idea of being able to mingle and move around freely. But my sister would hear none of this. She wants me to bring someone. Apparently she thinks it'll look bad if we go alone and she finds these types of things important.

Then I explained to her the second problem with all of this. The wedding is in Michigan, 7 hours away for me and 8.5 hours away for her. So we'd have to spend the night. Rooms are $200. I don't know about her, but I don't feel like shelling out $400 for my room and my date's room. There's no way I'd be getting just one room and then having to put up with all the scowls from the rest of the family all weekend long. My sister said she has a solution to that. We can have a switch. And to that I said, "I suppose this could work, but I don't know. What if they fall in love and run off together. Then we'd be in the same situation and out $100 each." "What are you talking about?" "I was just joking. I doubt they'd hit it off and run away with each other if they stayed in the same room." "What?! No. You'd sleep with my date and I'd sleep with your date. Guy guy, girl girl." "Oooh, I didn't think of that combination."

I gotta hand it to her for thinking that up, she's a smartie. I taught her well.


Anonymous said...

You are ridiculous. Of course your date would split the room with your sister. Keep your eyes open, you never know who you will meet by September.

BUT I don't think that it looks badly if you go to a wedding alone. I have survived two years of solo weddings and have another four this year that I could very well attend single. Don't be ashamed!


Spike said...

Hahaha, I'll keep my eyes open but 5 months is simply much too short a time. I hate feeling so rushed!

I'm glad we agree it's fine to go it alone.