Thursday, July 22, 2010

Right Look For The 'Tequila' Dance

Making good on my goal of dancing with a random girl has been difficult the past two weekends. These past two Fridays I went out at 11 to the dance club but each time I walked in there was literally no one on the dance floor. There were a few people sitting up at the bar counter and that was about it. This came as a shock because previous to those two Fridays there were plenty of people in the bar and dance floor. The first Friday I went and saw nobody I decided to walk over to my friends house and see what he was up to. Video games of course. But then another friend of ours came over with her iPad and started playing some salsa music. My friend told me to show him some moves so I did, but then he laughed and said I look like a bony Pee-wee Herman. The problem was I was wearing white shoes with my jeans and apparently you are only allowed to wear white shoes with shorts without running the risk of being Pee-wee. Well that rather hurt my feelings and made me all self-conscious. After hanging out a bit more I went back to the bar and saw there were a few more people out there but I was feeling deflated so I left. The next morning Mom asked me how salsa went and I told her about my friend calling me a bony Pee-wee. She said, "don't you listen to him. You have the Dr. House look which I think is sexy. You are the guy's guy. Your friends just sit around and play video games, they have no class." Well at least my Mom thinks I'm sexy.

So this past Tuesday I went to another salsa event that goes on which I haven't been to before. Here I danced with 4 complete strangers that I went up to and asked. I also asked if they go out dancing any other night and they all said they go on Fridays at 11. And I said no you don't, because I go at 11 and you most certainly are not there when I go. And they said that they do. So again I said I go at 11 every Friday and have not seen them. Finally one spoke up and said they actually go closer to 11:30. So that cleared things up a bit. But all of this is rather upsetting. I do not like having my best way of meeting people requiring me to go out and start my night at 11:30. That's ridiculous.

In other exciting news Abba's hit Mamma Mia is coming to our concert hall in March 2011. Yep, 'guy's guy' alright.


Anonymous said...

I agree with your mother than sitting in and playing video games is lame and not classy.

I'm telling you, try OKCupid. Check that you're looking for activity partners and say that you are looking for ladies to go salsa dancing with. I applaud going and dancing with strangers, and you should keep it up, but planning ahead is good too.