Thursday, July 15, 2010

Party Engineering

Not meeting enough people quickly enough through salsa class, I decided to talk to one of the apartment managers where I live about having a salsa night. I barely got the words out before the manager exclaimed, "I think it would be an absolute hoot", and put me in charge of getting all the details worked out.

Where I live there is a huge club house with an adjacent pool and a fantastic speaker system that has an iPod hookup. My idea is to have one or two of my instructors come out, give a brief lesson, let us dance for a bit, do a brief review and teach a new move, and then let us dance for the remaining time left. The clubhouse can serve some special drink or food to make it feel more salsa-like.

Yesterday at class, I told one of my instructors and he thinks it is a great idea and had been recently looking for a place to hold an event like this. So it looks like this is going to happen. Maybe I should be a party planner.

Hopefully my selfish motives will pan out and I'll meet some new people at Baytowne and maybe even Kailee, who did not attend class this Wednesday, will come. Although, that is looking less likely as the days go by. However, not all is bad. I continue to talk to vomit girl and last night I asked her again if she would like to hang out sometime and this time she said she feels like she'd be able to keep her food down now. We have a penciled in day for this following Saturday.