Friday, July 9, 2010

Seven Number Stress

Class on Wednesday was fun again, and by it being so small I get to spend more time talking to the same people and through that I am starting to become more social around them. One problem is that everyone already seems to know each other very well, so I feel like the outsider trying to fit in, although they are very welcoming. Earlier that afternoon before class, Kailee sent me an e-mail saying she would not be able to come to class again, but that she will definitely be there next week. She also mentioned that she might go out this weekend with her sister, and that she would probably send me an e-mail about which day.

After reading the e-mail, which was quite pleasant, I thought that bit about her sending me an e-mail seemed odd. I kept wondering why she wouldn't just call or even text when she is going (if she is going). We could say that maybe she doesn't feel comfortable calling me but that doesn't make sense that she would feel uncomfortable calling me but has no problem dancing with me. And also it's easier to simply call and she already has my phone number. I came to the conclusion that she doesn't want to call or text because in doing so she would be giving me her phone number and maybe she doesn't feel comfortable doing so. Which is understandable because I could be some guy who starts calling her at any hour of the day.

With an aim to exploit that little piece of information, I finished me e-mail response to her saying an e-mail would be just fine. I also truthfully said that we were supposed to be getting more people in class this week and that, if she feels a bit off going out dancing late and night, with some random guy she has barely spoken to for 30 seconds in person, maybe the other newbies would also come out and help make everything more comfortable.

I genuinely want to make things comfortable and thought that maybe acknowledging it like I did would help. It won't be any fun if she or others are tense thinking about whether or not ulterior motives are involved.

Well it's Friday morning and I have not yet received any e-mail back. But the day is young and there is still tomorrow as well so we shall see, and if not I'll still go out anyway. Last week I came very close to asking a random girl to dance that I saw but did not. So I suppose this week's goal will be actually asking a random girl if I know no one else.


Anonymous said...

Okay, now you are worrying about stupid things. Maybe she doesn't want you to have her phone number (which would be perfectly acceptable), but it may also just be easier for her to email. I prefer emailing over texting, and it is less awkward than calling a person you've just met. Don't overanalyze! And like you said, go out either way!