Sunday, June 13, 2010

A Broken Stereotype

Today is the one year anniversary of this blog. If you were looking for a reason to celebrate today, I can't think of a better one.

If you recall, way back then I claimed my life isn't very interesting, and lately it has being proving that claim. Work is steady, and the girls at the pool this summer all have guys with them so I have little opportunity to try and make introductions. I can't even find juicy situations to put myself in.

But I suppose the best situations are the ones that come naturally. Last week I had to travel to Dayton for business, and I decided to stop in Cincinnati on the way over to meet my Mom and sister for dinner. Dad had gone traveling to Texas so he couldn't join us. We met up at Cracker Barallel and had a blast. As we were getting ready to sit down, I mentioned to them that everyone was going to think Mom was divorced and we are a broken family. But then Mom uncharacteristically said that maybe everyone would think she and I were together and that she was a cougar.

I had gotten to the restaurant first and had some time to kill. Outside they have a bunch of rocking chairs and checker boards scattered about. There was an old big man with a cane sitting on a bench and I went over and said, "Excuse me sir, I have some time to kill until my family gets here, do you want to play checkers." "No sir, I don't very much like checkers", he replied. I always thought it was a given that old men with canes like to play checkers but apparently not.

A short while later another lady plopped down on the same bench to have a smoke. So I went over to her and asked her. But she said that she was justing waiting on her husband to pay the bill.

So I go off all by my lonesome and sit next to the board waiting for someone to come along. And after another short while, a bunch of older ladies and little girls come streaming out of the restaurant. It must have been ladies night out or something. And one of them sat on the other side of the board. So I said, "Excuse mam, but the rule is that anyone who sits in that chair has to play checkers with me. You can move first." And she did, and we played a game. Just as we were taking our last turns my Mom and sister arrived to watch me win.

Okay, one more very small story. I recently asked a girl to go out for lunch with me. She said no, but her response was the best response I've ever heard. None of this wishy-washyness, unclear messages, or leading me on. Just a simple concise statement, that leaves nothing to question, "No, I get sick to my stomach just thinking about going with you."


Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha! That sure is a clear response, nothing to second guess there.

Maybe a cougar is the way to go? I think that might work out pretty well actually.

I'm telling you, get a dog.