Monday, June 21, 2010

How to Party

As my generation grows older and starts to throw the types of parties our parents would when we were kids there are two things we need to learn. The first is how to be a proper host, and the second is how to be a proper guest. Particular to this post I want to talk about the second.

Growing up I can recall my parents exhibiting very peculiar behavior about going to parties. At the time I took it as an inability to relax and enjoy a good time, and to an extent I still do think they simply do not know how to relax, but moreso it was just them not wanting to be a greater burden to the host than necessary. First there was a concern about whether or not bringing something was appropriate. Generally they wanted to bring something, perhaps not to appear as freeloaders, but the host would not always indicate if bringing a dish or similar item was desired. Which brings us to the first lesson. If you are invited to a house party and it is not otherwise indicated, it is nice to ask the host if there is anything you can bring. Be it food, or even just a bunch of plastic cups.

Next up is when to show up. When food is involved, being late is inconsiderate at best. The host, assuming the host knows how to host, will have planned the party around the food. Showing up late to a party like this means that the preparation of the food may have to be altered, which could ruin the meal and create more work for the host who already has enough to do.

Of course there are exceptions to all of these cases, but those are good guidelines to follow.

This weekend I went to such a party. The party started at 2. The host had cooked bratwursts, made a spread of various appetizers, and had a bunch of drinks available. I showed up at 2. The next guest arrived half and hour later, and the next after that arrived at 3. After that initial set the next guest didn't come until after 6, the next around 7, and the final two around 7:30. The poor host had not planned or wanted people over so long or late but wasn't going to turn them away.

During this time, the host was trying to call up the guests to see if they were coming. This is terrible, the host should never have to call on a guest. The guest should call the host plenty ahead of time. The range of excuses was even worse ranging from doing laundry, to just not feeling like coming until later.