Monday, June 28, 2010

Chatting and Dancing

Around 11:00 on Friday I sleepily made my over to the bar that had the salsa dancing. Last Friday when I had gone there were a ton of single girls there and very few guys. I think there was some sort of girls night out going on. There were so many girls they had to dance with each other. I had taken one of my girl friends out to dance so I had no need to go ask these other ladies to dance. So it was with high hopes that I went out on Friday, figuring that even Kaylee didn't show up, at least there would be plenty of others to ask. See WAM, I do think positively.

This Friday when I walked in the opposite appeared to have occurred. There were a ton of guys all lined up along the wall and very few girls. Although I noticed that even still there were plenty of girls just sitting around, so I don't know why more guys weren't dancing. That sort of creeped me out because I felt they might have just come to sit and watch pretty girls dance. But then maybe they were just to shy to ask the girls.

At this point I did not see Kaylee, but I hadn't really expected to since even if she was coming she would only have gotten off work a few minutes prior to my getting there and she may have gone home to freshen up. In the meantime I decided to walk around the bar twice. The first time I was going to see if I knew anyone and pick out which girl I wanted to ask, and if I found no one I knew then the second time was to try and ask the girls I noticed the first time through. On my first lap I found a guy I knew from my lessons and we talked for a bit. This was a fortunate meeting, because he is friends with the other girl I'm interested in. He also had brought his other girl friend, who was also in our class and I had apparently walked by and not recognized. So I walked over to her chit-chatted for a bit and then asked if she wanted to dance and she did. We danced for two songs before she wanted to get back with her friends which was fine. I told her and the guy that lessons had started up for the summer. They didn't know this and said they are going to start coming. That was good news because hopefully they'll invite the other girl, Trisha I think is her name, that I liked to dance with last semester.

So in the end I did go all by lonesome to the bar and asked a girl to dance. She wasn't a complete stranger but let's not be too picky. This Wednesday I'll focus on swapping numbers with Kaylee. Goals are good.


Anonymous said...

Yay! Good job, good goals!