Tuesday, June 22, 2010

That's so 18th Century

Waking up early today I decided to call home to surprise my folks who should only have just been starting their day. Sure enough Dad was still lounging in bed pretending to be making it, while Mom was drinking coffee watching the sunrise. She told me that this weekend when they go to a wedding her younger sister (about a 20 year difference), was going too and that she wants to wear a wig but her husband said absolutely not. Apparently my Aunt wants to get her haircut in a new style but before she can she first has to grow hers out a bit. But in the meantime she doesn’t want to walk around in front of people in this unsightly transitionary state, so she bought a wig! Fussing with the kids takes awhile in the morning and so instead of taking the time to do her hair up in the morning she just throws the wig on and goes out. And wherever she goes she’s getting a ton of compliments, “Oh, I just love your hair.”