Friday, September 9, 2011

A Whale of a Story

A few weeks ago I purchased a bottle opener. I've never had one before and had a hard time finding one in the stores that I was pleased with. But eventually I found the one I know have. It's a whale whose mouth and tail can be used to open bottles. After purchasing it I discovered this whale was more about form than function, but it can be used, with a little effort, to open my pop bottles so I guess I'm okay with it. Part of the reason I got it was because I think it's really cool looking. Like if you were to just put it on a table you might not know right away that it is supposed to be used to open bottles.

I brought it home and hung it on my wall by putting two nails in the wall that the whale's tail can hang from. And there it sat, occasionally taken down when I needed it for my pop, or when I showed it to others. The last time I had it down was two weeks ago when I showed it to Sarah when she stopped by for that piece of apple pie.

So two weeks later, last night, I am in my apartment waiting for my stories to start, and just flipping through channels to see if anything interesting happens to already be on, when I come across a show on exorcisms. I never watch those paranormal shows, but for some reason I decided to flip this on and see what it had to say. And I was pleased with it, mainly because they were only interviewing Catholic or Greek Orthodox preists, and despite all the bad press I still trust them more than pretty much anyone else I see on TV. So I figured this could be a legitmate show on exorcisms. And I recalled reading a few months back that the Church had been working with Discovery on such a show and I thought this might be it.

After one particularly creepy segment I called home to tell my parents they might want to turn it on. I find myself a little skeptical, especially of anything on TV, but as I was sitting there in my apartment, alone at night, the show was sufficiently creeping me out. And I wanted to share the experience with others. So I call home, and my Dad picks up. As I start discussing the show with him, I hear a loud bang in the kitchen and then a couple seconds worth of loud constant noise, followed by silence. It was loud enough that my Dad heard it too.

As I've previously mentioned, lately I've been working out. I attribute my running to the fact that I did not have a heart attack last night. Because when I heard that terrible noise, in an already creeped out state, my heart started pumping a mile a minute and I broke out in a sweat. To me it sounded like my ice-maker had decided to drop a ton of ice into the bucket, and that bucket then fell through the freezer down into the refrigerator where it crashed into my food and shelves. But then I thought of two things. One, my ice-maker was turned off. Two, that was a completely insane idea.

Heart racing, I decided to peek into my kitchen. Doing this I noticed something black and small on my floor by the laundry doors. My laundry room happens to be directly attached to my kitchen. Think of my kitchen as a long skinny rectangle with three openings. You have one of the smaller sides as an entrance, the laundry doors make up the other smaller sides, and then on one of the longer sides by the laundry room doors you have another entrance.

It turned out that small black object on the floor, against my laundry room doors was my whale. The thing is that I have it hanging on that little piece of wall on the next to the opening on the other side of the rectangle. So it had managed to fall off the wall, and then slide across my entire kitchen floor until it hit the doors and stopped.

Now it is entirely possible that I did a poor hanging job and that due to the vibrations that occur on the wall do to doors slamming and people walking that the whale naturally fell off. That is what Dad said and that is what I said in order that I might go to sleep. But still, I find it is a noteworthy coincidence, that after hanging there for two weeks, the whale happened to fall vertically straight down in such a way that it generated enough momentum to then slide horizontally across the length of my kitchen, all while I happened to be watching for really the first time ever a show on exorcisms.

Rationally I think this really could be explained away by simple physics and odd timing, and I simply hung it back up. Nevertheless I also took a bottle of Holy Water, yes I have some, and squirted a whole bunch on that whale. Then thinking about it I poured some on my hand and made the sign of the cross just for good measure.