Monday, September 19, 2011

Card Collecting

After getting that marvelous book, I've been thinking about what things I consider treasures. These don't have to be monetarily worth much. Instead I'm basing my decision on things that don't get old. And I am purposely leaving living things and food out of this.

So far my list is rather small. But in some ways I think that may be a good thing. If I took great joy from a ton of objects it could mean several things. First off, it could mean I'm overly sensitive. I would rather not shed tears of joy everytime I see something I like. We can call this the double rainbow mentality.

Second it could mean I'm just way to attached to material objects. If I everything I have would be lost in a fire, hopefully the only things I would be upset about losing are things that relate to my family or friends like photos or letters. Now I actually fall into this second category a bit. Because I would be upset at losing my book, and the other few treasures I have. But I think so long as I don't mind losing something like my TV (although I do sort of consider that a treasure due to it's rarity), that is pretty good.

Third it could mean I don't have enough friends. I once went to a house that held a number of college students. One of them lived in the basement of the house. I never met him but for some reason I had to go in the basement, and I saw many of his belongings. It was a little boy's dream come true. I about fainted. It was full of all my favorite video games, and legos. I remember actually gaping in awe at the site. Then I got sad, and I told my friend, whoever this person is, he doesn't get out much does he. And my friend said yes. The owner of all those amazing things had very few friends.

But I'm sensational and those three categories don't apply to me. So let's get to the fun stuff, at least for me. I thought about listing all the things I have that I consider to be treasures, but thought that might bore you. Then I thought about making it general in scope, like what I consider to be the things that others should treasure. But that seemed like it would take to long and this also isn't Tasteful Thursday. And then I came to my decision. Since I've already talked about the book, I decided to share one more new treasure that I'm currently working on obtaining.

As a small child my Aunt introduced me to my older cousin's card collection. And I thought it was about the most wonderful thing I ever saw at that young point in my life. And since then I've always thought it would be wonderful to make a complete collection of that particular type of collectible cards. The art design is top notch, with creatively short clever titles. For example here is a picture of the card entitled 'Babbling Brooke'.

I think there is no disagreeing how incredible those cards are. Unfortunately there were 15 original sets, with about 88 cards each, and getting all of them will be challenging. But I'm trying.