Tuesday, July 19, 2011


After dinner out tonight, I drove by a man walking to only he knows where with his thumb out. He was scraggly with dirty clothes. I thought about picking him up, but the problem was I wasn't familiar with the area, and I didn't want him to know that. Nevertheless I was a little displeased that here was a clear opportunity to help someone and I was purposely passing it up. While he was scraggly I find it's not the ones who approach you frowning who take your money but the ones who approach you smiling. And it didn't help that just prior to this at dinner I had another swell opportunity for interaction.

See at dinner, at a burger joint, as I was getting ready to go, a girl walked by who sat down at a table by herself. This was the type of girl guys are warned about looking at in magazines or movies because we're told they don't exist in real life and we're going to start expecting a fantasy. My mind raced with what to say to her. I decided that being right next to an amazing ice-cream stand, that I should ask her out for ice-cream when she finished dinner. I also thought about just introducing myself and asking her if I could join her to chat. But in the end I didn't ask her anything and simply left. Of course as soon as I walked out the door I thought about walking right back in, but decided that might be creepy. So I thought it would be less creepy to sit near by on a post, partially hidden from the door and when she left I could get up really quick and pretend I just happened to be walking by. And I did that. But after a few minutes of that I decided I should just get on and I left. Nevertheless it made me think about what would have happened it just prior to dinner I hadn't gotten myself into a very long talking to.

I was walking through the streets of Dayton trying to find the burger joint I was looking to eat dinner at, when I happened upon two guys walking in my direction. I asked them if they knew where it was at and they said I passed it up. So I turned around and walked with them. At this point one of them asked if I could now do him a favor. Not liking this I said yes and he asked if I believed in second chances. Very much not liking this I said yes. And then they proceeded to tell me about how they were trying to get their acts together by working good jobs and earning money to go to college and improve their lives. They said they could not accept donations but were wondering if I could buy a magazine from them. They are part of a group that apparently awards them for selling magazines. Apparently the proof they need that they can interact well with people, and thereby get more help from the organization, is by selling magazines to people they encounter. I can't remember the name of the organization they were representing, but they said it was like Big Brother or Sister except for older people. One of the guys gave me his list of magazines, which even if I didn't want I could donate to, and I looked at it, but wasn't about to buy anything. For one I had no cash on me, and I wasn't giving a stranger my credit card information. For another I don't like charming strangers who are seeking something from me. They are off putting reminding me of that smiling thief I just mentioned. And I didn't like that I couldn't simply go to their website and make a donation in their name if I was interested. But even though they handed me the list they didn't actually ask if I wanted to buy one. In fact after a few minutes the guy who handed the list to me asked for it back.

For most of this time we were standing at the corner where I needed to cross the street to go to the burger joint. And at this corner was a bench where an older lady were sitting and listening to us. Towards the end she started talking. One of the guy's started sharing his back story which was very sad but a little over the top. For example his 15 year brother was just arrested for 15 years for dealing heroin. There are so many problems with this claim that even if true it is just too horrible to believe by a complete stranger. And he himself had a checkered past but was trying hard to ammend his ways. Hence his question about second chances. And the lady sitting nearby wanted to talk about her Uncle who while in prison earned his high school dipolma and wrote a book. But despite his attempts at ammending his life he suffered from a heart attack and died while still in prison. But she was very proud he was able to write a book that you can get at any library. I can't remember his name but it went something like Marvin Fuenke.

While I was happy that I did not actually have to say "no I do not wish to purchase a magazine", I was getting frustrated about my inability to say anything other than yes or no. Notice above where I said I was talked to. I was simply unable to get in any words in edge wise. When I tried everyone just talked over me. Maybe these three just really needed to talk but it wasn't a conversation. Like this blog, but going by my lack of comments in most posts, it's clear there is little to add to anything I say. Whereas these three had all sorts of things that could be added. But finally they talked themselves out and needed to move on with their day and gave me their farewells.

At the end it was just me and the lady sitting on the bench. She wanted to talk about how after listening to those guys she was happy they were trying to get their lives in order and make a positive difference. And she talked more about her Uncle and how happy she was that he wrote a book. And that she wished more people would take the time like I did to just listen to others. That she didn't know anything about those guys and neither did I, but that I took the three minutes out of my day to listen to them. And that more people need to take just a few minutes to listen to others. And that God will always listen, and no matter how busy we are He will listen. And that everyone can turn their lives around, like her Uncle, no matter what situation they are in, and make a difference. Even if they are in prison. And hopefully those boys will hold onto their hope and they will stay strong and continue making positive changes in their lives despite all the previous mistakes they made. But eventually even she winded down and I got to speak. And I said, "every Saint has a past, and every sinner has a future" (thank you Oscar Wilde), and then, much delayed, crossed the street to the burger joint for dinner.


Anonymous said...

Do my comments mean nothing to you? I comment on so many of your posts! And talk to you about them on the phone. What must a friend do to be appreciated?


Spike said...

No hurt feelings now WAM. I love your comments, and hope you have many more to come.

Anonymous said...

My feelings aren't really hurt, it was a faux indignation.