Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Tacos and Texts

Taco Tuesdays tend to be good days. This taco Tuesday in addition to my regular friend we had a guest join us, Sarah, the girl who walks around the pond. Bringing an outsider into the group can always make for disastrous circumstances. Fortunately there was good meshing that occurred all around. Nevertheless I was a little anxious about the whole situation.

Earlier in the day I had acquired Sarah's personal e-mail address through some internet searches and decided it would be a good idea to write her an e-mail and invite her to taco Tuesday night. Happily she was not creeped that I managed to find her e-mail and also accepted the invite. At the time I didn't think my other friend was going to be able to make it. But then later in the afternoon he called up asking if we were still on. I told him about Sarah and he said he had no problems with her joining. Then I got in touch with Sarah to ask she minded if my friend came and she said no. Phew. I tend to live by the 'more the merrier' philosophy and just hope everyone I'm with can get along swell. This can lead to very awkward situations but again this time things worked out.

Now after tacos, Sarah was going to study for finals, my friend was going to work on his doctoral defense, and I was going to go do whatever it is I do. In this case it was probably going to be to sit down with ice-cream and watch 'The Voice'. But instead I wound up studying with Sarah like I did that other night. Speaking of that other night, only about 5 minutes of studying occurred out of the 3 and half hours we were at that caf. Last night about 15 minutes of good studying occurred out of the 6 hours we were together. So at 11 she decided she really needed to hit the books.

At this point I did go get my ice-cream and started watching 'The Voice' which I had recorded. Sarah started texting some messages about her disagreement about my feelings on jean shorts, and then out of the blue she said she has been inexplicably "crushing hard" for me since she first saw me walking around the pond.

Prior to this point in time I did not know if she had a purely friend mindset. I had been planning on asking her on a date as soon as her finals ended, but had some concern that if she only wanted to be friends that my asking could put a damper on things. So I told her if she could have just waited 2 more days I was going to ask her out. But now, through text no less, was as good a time as any to ask. And I did. Which apparently threw her off gurad because she had no idea I was interested.

That last statement needs some attention. I see this all the time, where girls think of the guy as only a friend and that all he is looking for is friendship. Then after a few days or weeks when he asks her out she is shocked. Come now.

Anyway, turns out we are planning to meet up sometime after her finals to go on a date. No idea when or where yet, but it's great to have all the difficult stuff laid out and out of the way.


Anonymous said...

Told you so!!!!!! I stand by your decision to wait until after finals. Though 6 hours? That seems pretty obvious. Anyhow, I'm glad that this is working out! You'll be great - just keep on doing what you're doing!