Friday, May 6, 2011

Laundry Day is a Very Dangerous Day

Yesterday my laundry needed done. That seems like terrible grammar but I like it and am not changing that sentence. Unfortunately I didn't have any detergent, so I went out to the grocery store to pick some up. Now you should know I have sensitive skin. Or at least I think I do, because whenever I wash my shirts and then sit in a chair such that they are pressed up against my back I itch like crazy. It is really unpleasant and can be rather embarrassing. All my life I have had this problem. Mom used to wash our clothes with 'Snuggle' until one day she finally got fed up with my complaints and changed it to something else. I don't think she really believed I had a problem with it, but didn't want to hear me whine anymore. This actually saddened me a little, because I really like that cuddly looking bear.

So yes, I'm a bit particular now about my detergents. And I saw that 'Tide' has a hypo-allergenic brand. It goes for about $12. Then I looked over and saw that 'Downy' has a hypo-allergenic brand for $3 less. So very proud of myself for price comparing, I bought the Downy and went on my happy way.

When I got home I noticed the cap was a little small, and just figured it must be really powerful so I can use less. Then I noticed the liquid was much more "liquidy" than I am used to. So I poured in a half a cap full and then read the bottle. That was when I read "fabric softener". Oh dear. So I went back to the grocery store, got my Tide and came back to start my laundry. My amazing $3 savings turned into a $9 expense.

For those of you who did not find that story fascinating, I have other news to tell. The girl who walks around the pond with me, invited me out to a frozen yogurt buffet yesterday. That was a lot of fun. And then tonight she texted me asking if I was at least enjoying my Friday while she was studying for her finals. I told her I was just getting ready to go out to do work, like entertain you, and asked if she wanted to join. She said, "yes". And so, she is at this very moment sitting directly across from me, typing away.


Anonymous said...

Hey, look at you! I like where this is going!

Also, that grammar is indeed bad. Your laundry needed to be done.