Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Close Encounters

On Friday I had to go to the store to get a new computer mouse. Mine accidentally broke at work on me earlier in the week. The store is just down the way from where I live so I occasionally walk when the weather is great, and on Friday it was. My walk takes me past the gazebo that extends out over the pond where I live, and as I walked by I noticed Sarah and her ex-boyfriend were sitting out there enjoying the sunset. He had his back to me, so waved at her, but then she waved back and he turned around. So I texted her I was just going to the store. On my way back they were still there. This time she texted first and made a comment about me being far off. I told her I like to avoid conflict.

On Saturday night I decided to go to the club house where I live to get on the internet and do some research. There was a little band in there playing guitars and a harmonica with some good singing. I thought about telling Sarah this but then decided not to, because it would be awkward if she came with everyone. And I didn't want her ex-boyfriend seeing me texting her in case he's the type to check these things out.

Well she and her crowd came anyway, and sat right across from me. I waved but kept my head in my books for the most part. Then Sarah came over to say hello. I told her this was really awkward and she completely agreed. But I didn't leave because I thought that would be worse. Fortunately the whole situation passed without incident. But while I was indeed studying I couldn't help looking up now and then to make a gauge of how Sarah and her ex-boyfriend were doing.

My impression was mixed. He was laughing and she was laughing. But I couldn't tell if they were mutually laughing at each other's comments. I didn't see them holding hands under the table or playing footsie. When they left he was standing very close to her but kept his hands at his side. So no clear signs there.

Now on Saturday and Friday, a little after midnight Sarah texted me essentially saying she was looking forward to Sunday. See on Thursday after getting overwhelmed with her sudden guests she asked if we could meet again on Sunday even though Wednesday was supposed to be our "goodbye". I said I understood her want to see me again because of my desirable physical traits, and she decided to cancel. But I groveled and she relented. But I wasn't sure how to take these texts. After all she was spending most of the weekend with a four year old boyfriend who was spending the entire time trying to win her back. So again I wasn't sure if she was just looking forward to hanging out with a friend and the idea of dating was off. After all I have a ton of friend who get excited about seeing other friends and text and call and all that, but they are just friends. The idea of dating these people would seem absurb to them.

Sunday finally came around. I was hoping I'd see her first thing in the morning. But then realized this would likely not be the case. Here her ex-boyfriend would be trying his hardest, and likely crying would occur. So I waited and waited. Waking up early made the day go a little longer. Finally around 2:30 I heard from her.

And here is a wonderful spot to take an ice-cream break.


Anonymous said...

Don't relent! You need to make a case for yourself! You are being way too timid - tell her her ex is an ex for a reason and you are worth a shot!