Tuesday, February 8, 2011

A Well Named Joint

Today is 'Anatomy Tuesday'. Anatomy is an interesting subject area, because the human body is fascinating. Think about all the really cool things it can do and the management of all the systems that is performed without you even needing to think of it. I know I'd be long dead if my body didn't keep breathing without me paying attention to it. Although breathing is sort of interesting. I can exert some control on whether or not I breathe, but other times my body takes over like when I'm asleep. So I can essentially override the controls when I want. But I can't override my heart beats. Maybe some people can, but I don't even know what muscles to flex. I suppose my heart is a muscle, but I don't know how to work it. I mean it's easy to get it going. Just thinking about asking out a random girl will make it go a mile a minute. But purposely slowing it down is something I haven't mastered yet. This is all lovely talk but it's not the subject of today's topic. Rather today's topic has to do with the elbow.

The elbow is an interesting body part. Typically I do not pay much attention to it. One reason is that I have difficulties seeing my own, and I find they aren't too attractive on others. The skin is all weird looking, and sometimes you'll find it blackened. I'm guessing this is due to poor hygiene, but maybe it's like a dog's foot which has that black hard skin that is all calloused up. I suppose it could be possible. Like maybe people with black elbows do a lot of deep thinking at their desk. I do a lot of deep sleeping at my desk with my head supported, but I also tend to be cold at my desk and therefore am wearing long sleeves.

Also the skin has no nerves. So you can play with it all you like and not hurt yourself. Sometimes I like to twist it around. Maybe this is a nervous tic, but it's fun seeing if I can do a complete revolution.

Another name for the elbow is the funny bone. Now the exact reason for this name is unknown, but there are a few good guesses. One is that because it is exposed, meaning it's not covered by muscle or bone, it can be hit easily and cause a sensation which for some reason is rather peculiar compared to messing with your other nerves. Another guess is because it is located around the Humerus, the upper arm bone, which is just like humorous. However, I think another good reason is because of the name of the elbow skin which is "wenis".

Wenis is probably the greatest name ever for anything. It is super fun to say. Say it out loud and try not to smile. Say, "I have a wenis". Hahaha.