Monday, February 7, 2011

Eyes Wide Open

Last week I had to travel down South to give a talk at a conference. The talk was an hour long overview to set the stage for the rest of the conference. The conference was attended by about 80 people.

The whole affair was a little impressive. The conference room reminded me of something I'd expect to see at the United Nations. I had to sit in the center of the room at this big table that was shaped like a U. I had my own name plate, a microphone, and this really comfy big leather chair that swiveled and rocked around. For everyone not giving a talk they were given seats in the bleachers around the big U. But instead of bleachers they were really sitting in their own leather chairs, with little arm tables placed nearby. Presenters were able to stand in the mouth of the U or up at the podium.

My talk went pretty well I thought. I was able to make them laugh a little, wasn't shaking with nerves, and saw only 3 or 4 people doze off on me. But I also had the best slot, which was right after the first morning break and just before lunch. The other presentations were also well done, although they captivated me to various degrees. For example one of the speakers had the voice of a nightingale and put me right to sleep. This was rather embarrassing. Here I am, the youngest by far of anyone at the U, with the least amount of education, that no one in the conference has ever heard of before, and I'm sound asleep. During one particularly dry talk my co-worker who was sitting next to me said I had fallen asleep with my eyes open. I asked how he could be sure I was asleep. He said it was because I was slouched over, looking down, and my eyes were beet red and teared up from not blinking.