Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Sleep Induced Misunderstanding

My Mom slipped and fell the other day which made her sore. She is always sore, but now she was actually complaining about it, so for someone like me who will scream in pain if I accidentally scratch an itch too hard, her pain for me would probably be coma inducing. Well during the daytime I called her up to check in and we had a conversation. The next day we spoke again and she started repeating our previous conversation. So I interrupted her and said she already told me all of this yesterday. Then she said that Dad had given her a Tylenol PM that previous day and she couldn't really remember much of our conversation. Dad had given it to her I guess to keep her in bed because knowing her she'd just keep trucking away at all the various activities she does every day. Mom however isn't the sitting type and because it was daytime she was fighting it to stay awake and so she was sort of in a waking dream when I was talking to her.

After we got things figured out as to why she was repeating our last conversation she said she was annoyed that Dad had given her a Tylenol PM because it was keeping her from doing anything productive despite the pain. So I told her the following story.

Monica has a friend who is engaged. A little while back Monica's friend needed to go on about a 3 or 4 hour car trip by herself in the evening. But for reasons I don't know she was sore. I know she works out so let's say for the purposes of this story that she had worked out hard and was sore from it. She asked her fiancee if he had anything she could take to relieve the pain so she could comfortably get through her trip. He gave her a Tylenol. During the drive she got very tired and called him up. She asked what medication he had given her because she was so tired all of a sudden, and he said he gave her Tylenol PM. When she screamed at him for doing this he was confused. Apparently he didn't know Tylenol PM is supposed to help you sleep. He thought it was supposed to help you get through the night, like regular Tylenol gets you through the day.