Monday, September 27, 2010

Rapidly Growing Red Lights

The seven and a half hour drive from Cleveland to Kelly's was rather uneventful excepting for one point during the trip. I was in a line of cars passing a truck. There was a car in front of me, and another car quite aways up in front of him. I myself was a pretty good distance away from the car in front of me. For whatever the reason, I decided to look to the right, I don't remember what had caught my eye now, but when I looked forward again I saw that the guy in front of me had hit his brakes.

Since he wasn't very close to anyone I got very confused because I couldn't figure out why he was braking. All I knew was that I was now very close to him and rapidly closing the gap. My first thought was to swerve around him. This was because Grandpa said the brakes needed to be changed, immediately, so I figured they should be last resort. But there was no where to turn. At this point I had made up my mind that an accident was eminent and at these speeds definitely injurious if not fatal. And I was so close I thought that even if the brakes held, there still wasn't enough room to stop. In fact I was so close I almost didn't bother lifting my root to touch the brakes. But earlier that day I had, for the first time in owning a car, hung up my rosary on the rear view mirror. I remember saying a quick prayer and then slammed the brakes.

At that point, time sort of froze for me. But I had stopped. No accident happened. I took a look in my rear view mirror and noticed the car behind me had also managed to stop. I still do not know why that car in front of me decided to brakes so hard. At the time he started I wasn't so close to him that I would have thought he would do a brake test. And even still this wasn't a brake test, where you just hit the brakes real quick. This guy had the brakes on for quite sometime.

Well I made it to Kelly's. She showed me her house and her extensive revisions which really were quite impressive. I couldn't wire in a light bulb to save me, but she had managed to practically tear down and rebuild many of the rooms in her house.
We then went for a long walk along the canal, had a Mexican dinner at an Irish bar with a middle aged husband and wife we met up with, the lady whose hair was as orange as her suit coat, and played the Wii until the next morning when I completely exhausted fell asleep. When we woke it was to start our trial road-trip to Wisconsin Dells.