Sunday, September 12, 2010

IM Acquaintance

While typing a message to an extremely attractive girl with an amazing personality on the OKC site, a girl I had not seen before said “Hello” through the instant messenger feature the site offers. I took a quick look at the photo attached to her instant message, took a look at the photo of the girl I was writing to, looked back at the IM girl, and then resumed typing my message. After I sent that message I took one last look at the girl’s profile and noticed she had not signed on since February 2009. So feeling dejected once again, I decided to respond to the IM message.

The girl told me that my profile made her laugh and she wanted to say “hi”. Then she told me I shouldn’t be scared by her profile because she is much nicer in person. I took a brief look at her profile and was horrified. It was terrible. In fact I told her so, my first two sentences to her were “Hello.” and “Horrifying.”, and asked her if anyone actually writes her, and surprisingly she said she does get messages. Then I took a look at her pictures. These didn’t help anything so I decided just to focus on our conversation. She told me she does standup comedy, which made me respond that she had given me a very good compliment then saying my profile is funny. She said I should take it however I want, and I replied I will take it as a compliment and let it go straight to my head. At this point I needed to get off because it was getting late. She was pleasant during the conversation, but that profile and her pictures ensured I was not going to be falling for her.

The next day I was on the site again, and she said “hello” again. This time I had a bit more time to chat, and we talked for awhile on the IM service. Towards the end of this lengthy chat it became clear she wanted to meet up sometime. Sounding very much closed minded I said I would be happy to meet up, but just as friends. I did not think we had any chance of starting a serious relationship, but we could possibly be friends. I realized then that this sounds like I was making my mind up before even giving things a chance. I told her that and she thanked me for being upfront, but I still thought it was wrong of me to be so decided and I decided to try and keep an open mind.

We had decided to meet up for dinner at a local Indian restaurant. I was pleased to go there because the restaurant really is amazing. The Indian food is so good, I’ve tried a ton of different recipes there and they have all been winners. She had never been there before, but it was her idea to go. And she loved it too once she had her meal. After dinner we walked around some and talked some more. Then I walked to her apartment and said “too-da-loo”.

After this encounter I was further convinced that while she was very sweet and polite, we had no hope of being in a relationship. The next day she invited me to her standup comedy routine on Wednesday which takes place at a local bar.

The way the stand up works is that a number of comedians sign up before hand and they are given something like 5 – 10 minute intervals to perform. When I went there were probably 5 or so that performed while I was there. The comedy was poor. It was very vulgar, immature, demeaning, and in some cases hateful. There was no charm, and little wit. At some points I was bored to the point where I was watching baseball highlights that I couldn’t hear on one of the overhead monitors. And baseball is not a spectator sport. Amanda, the girl I’ve been hanging out with, probably had the best skit of all, but that was saying very little. A 2nd grade knock knock joke would probably have induced greater mirth out of me than anything I heard that night. After her performance we went outside and walked around town. I noticed that one of the bars had their salsa night going so we stopped in there and I taught Amanda the basic steps. That was pretty fun.

The next day she invited me to a festival in a nearby town where she is from on Saturday (today). I said I’d love to go, and I headed down and spent the day there today. That was a lot of fun. The little town was fun to walk through; we got some good festival food, saw a parade, did a little antiquing, met some people, and even went grocery shopping. Also I saw a basset hound walking in the distance. That alone makes today a good day. One of the antiques I got is an old book from 1920 called “How to Develop Your Personality.” It has chapters on proper breathing, good speaking, poise, self-confidence and other good topics. Definitely all things I can work on.

At this point Amanda and I have no new activities planned. She mentioned she would be curious to go to Mass with me sometime during the weekday, and wants to do a movie night sometime. In short, I suppose I need to give WAM some thanks for forcibly telling me to sign up on the site.
Wow, I completely butchered the word 'acquaintance'. If you look at the link to this page, you'll see what my original title was for this post.


Anonymous said...

Yay, I'm glad that you decided to meet up with this girl! It was slightly closed minded of you to tell her "just friends" before you met up - that seems like something you might say before you went on a second outing but after the first. But I'm glad you to these events! I've been having a lot of fun in Philly with guys - no sparks yet, but it is just fun to meet new people and get out and do something new, yeah? I'd say keep it up and be openminded!