Thursday, March 24, 2011

Standing Up Then Sitting Down

It's well past time for a lady update. So, I believe we left off with me and Monica hitting it off. And we did. For about a month we mutually said we were dating. During this time, while we were becoming better friends I noticed that she was clearly either not digging me or not ready for a relationship. Being a good person she is a very busy person constantly working with children either at school or through her youth group. It became clear a balance would be needed if she were to maintain a relationship with me, and that was something she was unwilling to do because a balance with me would mean taking time away from her kids. So for now we remain friends and chat a bunch but we aren't dating. Actually we met up this past Friday.

Since then for a little while I was exchanging messages with a girl who lived about 4 hours away. This was actually going very well. It was the first time, in probably two years I've been doing this, where I messaged someone completely random first and got a real response back. Once before I managed to get a 'lol' but that was all. Here I actually got some meaningful feedback. So that was good, but theneone day she just stopped writing back. Not sure what happened there. I don't think I said anything crazy or creepy but she simply stopped.

More recently I received a message saying I had the best profile ever. Funny how two people in the same week said as much. But one lived on the other side of the country so that wouldn't work. But the other is here where I live. After a small number of messages we decided to meet up for burgers at 6:00 last Thursday.

When Thursday rolled around, I ran some errands and then arrived at the restaurant ten minutes early and decided to sit in the car and wait to till she arrived. A half hour later around quarter to seven I decided to look in the restaurant and see if somehow she escaped me. But I didn't see her so I left to go to the library. I checked the original e-mail and then I groaned. Notice I said I went in at quarter to seven, meaning I arrived at 6:20. I thought we were supposed to meet at 6:30 and stood her up! So I e-mailed her apologizing profusely and she, having a smart phone, promptly wrote me back saying she was rather embarassed but accidents happen. So I told her that if she wanted maybe we could try meeting another time, or if she was still in the area maybe we could still meet as I was only 5 minutes from the restaurant. She said she was going to a bar to chat with some friends who were there but that I could meet her there and we could walk to the restuarant. So I did that, and met all her friends being the guy who just stood up their friend. They were nice about it. Then we went to grab dinner. I asked if she was hungry and she said she already ate while she was waiting. Groan. We went in and the waitress came over, and said to her, "You were just here!" Then she looked at me and said, "I saw you come in here and walk out!" So I was glad someone saw me come in. Apparently when I had, she was still there but I had somehow missed her and she didn't see me.

Oh well. After all that fiasco she's still talking to me. We actually met last night too. Although I think in this case I've found another friend rather than a new relationship. Hard to say for sure, but we have some rather large differences. Plus she may be going off to Princeton. It's either Princeton or Stanford, but I think it's Princeton. She's getting her Ph.D in political science.


Anonymous said...

Spike!!! This is why you exchange phone numbers - or at least you, as the guy, offers your phone to her before you meet. Don't let this happen again!

But otherwise, sounds like it is going okay. I'm still at it over here in singledom too.


Spike said...

Oh sure, just dole out the comments now. Maybe if you had a chapter on this in the book your supposed to be writing I would know these things.

Anonymous said...

More material for the book. You are so right. Just think, you get the advice for free! You don't even have to buy the book!