Sunday, March 13, 2011

New Experiences with Food

Meijer has had a lot of sales lately on some of there more interesting products. For example, Ben and Jerry's 'Peanut Brittle' was on clearance. Well I love ice-cream, and I enjoy peanut brittle so I had to try it. In the past I have found that these sorts of combinations are not always winners. For example, bacon dipped in chocolate is terrible. No matter how much you like both, I'd avoid that temptation if I were you. But the ice-cream was very good. Well it was just fine in that little dixie cup. I don't know how I'd feel about a half-gallon of it. I'm not a toppings person. Some people love to load on the toppings. Such seen in the piggie trough. But I tend to be a just a plain vanilla person.

Another thing on sale was their peanut butter not made from peanuts. This stuff always fascinates me because it's like $7.00 or more for a jar. For that price I expect it to be made from the endangered nuts of trees from Amazon Rain Forests. But instead it's made from things like soybeans and sunflower seeds. So with it on sale to be the low discounted price of only very expensive I had to pick one of those up. I chose the one made with sunflower seeds and flax. Mmmmh.

Next I was looking at juice. I was looking a jar of Papaya juice when this guy comes up with his family and pulls two jars of Coconut/Pineapple Juice off the shelf and excitedly told the rest of his family they were in for a treat. Now I am very particular about the colors of my liquids. When it comes to white colors the only liquid I want to consume is 2% milk. That's it. Not skim milk, not some weird other animal than cow like badger milk, just ordinary moo-moo milk. This product is made with coconuts, and so right away I was put off by the white color of it, but I talked to guy about it and he said it really is good so I picked one up.

When I brought it home I poured a very small swallow in a glass, closed my eyes and tried it. It really isn't too bad. I still can't drink it with my eyes open, but it tastes alright.