Monday, March 21, 2011

Not in the Money

When Monday morning rolls around, stumbling out of bed to get ready for a brand new week of work isn't too difficult since I am fortunate enough to like my job. However, I am unfortunate enough to have to go to work. This past weekend I was hoping to change that by winning big at a casino, but instead I wound up with more reason than ever to have to go to work.

Kelly and I went. The last time we went, was on our mini-roadtrip. That time we basically just kept to the slot machines, except for my very brief and expensive trip to the poker tables. This time we spent a little more time at the other games. We played craps and that was probably my favorite. I can actually figure out the probability of dice rolls so at least with that game I get the impression I have a chance at winning. Although if I was any better at math I could probably figure out that ultimately I have very little chance at winning.

Roulette was particularly interesting. I saw very unique choices being put on the table. One well dressed lady came over and plopped a $100 chip on the chance that the ball would fall into a red slot. It didn't. A short while later a well dressed man came over and made the same bet, and again the ball fell into a black slot. I watched him walk away and saw that he joined the well dressed woman. They were together, which meant they had just spent $200 on the hope that little ball would fall into a red slot! Another guy had what must have been $100 in one dollar chips. He came over and practically just threw fists of chips onto the table. There was more reason to the madness than that, like it appeared he was drawing weird symbols with odd numbers of chips stacked on each other, but he lost every time. When he left I asked the older players if they had ever saw anything like that and they said they hadn't. That guy came back again a little later, and didn't do any better. I saw him later while I was on the slot machine. By that point Kelly and I were surprised he was still there, betting as he was. You'd never guess the economy is in a bad sort right now.

In other news last night I made oatmeal cookies. Apparently I hadn't lost enough at the casino because I decided to buy the fancy oats that come into those coffee like containers and are imported from Ireland. I realize that oats are probably oats but I am attracted to pretty packaging and couldn't resist. When I brought them home my Mom called up returning a call I had made. I wanted to know if I should use dark brown or light brown sugar. She said she usually uses light for oatmeal cookies. Then I told her about my oats and she gasped. The oats I bought were steel cut oats. They aren't like the ones with that Quaker on that tube. These ones are oddly shaped and take 30 minutes to cook! That's what pretty packaging gets you. But I decided to make the cookies anyway rather than return the oats. And they came out amazing. They taste right but have a slightly different feel to them than standard oatmeal cookies. In one of the batches I threw in half a banana. Those taste good too, but keep in mind that a little banana goes a long way in terms of its taste.