Saturday, July 14, 2012

Side Of A House Works Just As Well

Week two showed a little more progress in terms of getting out and about.  For example, today I went to a new Church.  Unfortunately, like last time, the tabernacle was no where in sight.  And while there was an extremely attractive girl whom I saw as I was leaving, she was with younger people which made it difficult for me to determine her age.  That's a really difficult problem when it comes to trying to meet people.  Like I may see a person, guy or girl, and want to strike up a conversation and later find out I'm talking to an 18 year old.  Now there's nothing wrong with that at all, just talking to people, but it puts a major block on just asking people out.  Like I cannot just go up to a random person at a grocery store, and ask a girl out only to find she is really young and just picking something up for her parents.  That would just be terrible and I would probably have to go to the hospital when my body stops functioning.  So the trick in that situation is to be a bit of a creep and try to make sure that the lady is older.  Like maybe she has an alcoholic product in her buggie.  Or something like that.  Anyway, these are just some things to think about if you're going to just go and try approaching random people on the street or at Church.  Oh well, next week I'll try yet another Church in my quest to find one with a tabernacle where I can see it.  For all my non-Catholic readers who do not know what I'm talking about, I would be perfectly fine with this tabernacle:

Speaking of images, this is the first one I've uploaded since the new blogger design and it's so much better than before.  Before I had to hand edit a bunch of html code in order to get them where I wanted.

Anyway back on topic.  Today I also went to a tennis center to inquire about their clinics.  On the way there I passed by a driveway that had a brick fence and immaculate landscaping, which snaked through some woods off to some mansion I imagined.  I started thinking this tennis center must be nice if hidden mansions are in the neighborhood.  Then I realized I missed my turnoff.  That driveway was the entrance to the tennis center.  This "tennis center" was actually more like some sort of sport center resort.  It had everything from a heated outdoor pool, to those types of classy locker rooms that scream English refinement.  So in short the place was very nice.  But I just wanted to play some tennis and when I got a view of the required membership fees I decided this was not the place for me.  And for more than just the money.  See I am allowed to participate in a discrete amount of tennis clinics as a non-member.  And the thing about the clinics is you have to call ahead of time and register because if not enough people sign up then they don't hold the clinic.  Yesterday I called and asked to be in this morning's clinic.  And just 8:00 this morning I got a call saying not enough people had signed up so the clinic was canceled.  Now if I were a paying member and I heard this I would be really upset.  I don't want to pay $100 a month, on top of the cost of participating in the clinic which is $21, just to find out the one thing I want to do is canceled.  So I asked the clubs representative who was showing me around if this sort of thing is typical.  She said in the summer time a lot of people are on vacation and that the tennis program experiences a lull in signups.  But in August it picks back up.  That was not what I wanted to hear.  Because in August school starts up.  So if tennis picks up it's because the types of people who are playing it are families.  I don't want to meet families.  So this palace of sports is a no-go.  But there may be others that offer clinics.  Not that I've found any yet, but maybe something will turn up.

Then the other day I got an e-mail from a dating site saying I'd get a discount if I signed up that day.  Well I've done this before and had absolutely no good things to report about it at all.  None.  But I decided to sign up anyway for the 3 month period for the price of a new video game.  Sigh.  So far I've written 6 women.  Two have read my e-mail, and of those one actually looked at my profile after reading it.  I kind of was excited about her too, she reminded me a bit of number 13 from House.  I've also had one wink from an Agnostic 25 year old whose 'for fun' section includes " judo chopping people when I'm drunk."  Positively she is a social worker who specializes in child abuse, so that's good, but I'm going just be flattered by the wink and keep looking.