Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Hopefully From Ill to Oh Much Better

What a wreck. I'm gone for just a little while and I see that the dialogs used to write these posts have completely changed. They were working just fine before and now I have to learn how all of this works. Fortunately the blog itself still looks great. Although sadly one of my links to a wonderful website no longer works because that website no longer exists.

Repetition tends to be the way for me. Sunday after Sunday, bead after bead on the Rosary, and Frosted Mini-wheats Monday through Sunday. Change can be fine, I just like being informed well in advance, in writing and in person, with a demonstration and justification. Unless of course I initiate the change. Then it can be spontaneous. For example, maybe on Wednesday (hey that's today!) I decide to have Frosted Flakes instead of Frosted Mini-wheats. As for when others implement a change that affects (did I get that right, affect vs effect?) me then I want those guidelines followed. For example, in early Feburary I learned that the office I work in will be closing at the end of June. That was a nice 4 month advance notice which was given in person and later in writing. The justification was totally lame, but one was given. And the demonstration is the fiasco currently being played out by the company in the city where I will be moving.

So yes, work gave me the choice, I can relocate or I can find new work. I took the relocation option. There is work available where I currently live but after some thought, moving seemed like the best choice. And so right around July I am heading off to be much closer to home. Just last Wednesday I sold the Jaguar and signed a lease with the new apartment. Leaving where I currently live will likely be the hardest part of the move. Where I live is best described as a country club, and nothing where I will be moving comes close. But I believe I was given a sign from above in finding the new apartment. The complex allows pets, and during my first trip out there, while in the leasing office I looked out the window and saw a Basset Hound being walked. I sort of made a small scene when I saw this. Additionally I will now be able to easily walk to work, and I will be the first tenent in the particular apartment I have selected.