Monday, June 27, 2011

H20 Plus Nothing Please

Polls can give an interesting insight into the habits and thoughts of many people. Being that it's summer I had a troublesome question pop into my head earlier today. I was curious about how many people urinate outside of toilets. In particular I was curious about showers, pools, and beaches. The numbers are horrifying.

Let's start with our showers. According to a 2004 survey by VertiSpa, 42% of Americans urinate in the shower. When you're that close to the toliet this is just laziness.

In the ocean, a 2009 study by TripAdvisor found that 53% think it's fine. As if it weren't already polluted enough by the rest of the animals in there.

In the pool, a 2009 study by CNN found that 17% have done it!

I find that 17% number rather startling. So about 1 in 6 people do this. I am positive I have at least 5 friends. After all I think I have at least 3 readers. But me plus the five means that one of us almost assurdedly urinates in the pool. I do not. So I've narrowed my search down to five people. Out of everyone, WAM hopefully you contain yourself. After all you're supposed to be writing a book on these types of matters, so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. That leaves four. Eew, I get sick feeling just thinking about that.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad that you (correctly) have pegged me as your friend least likely to urinate in a pool. I have urinated outside of a toilet a very small number of times, never in a shower or body of water, only into dirt on the ground when there just wasn't a toilet around.