Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Nothing to do with Star Wars

Apparently Gurney is too hard at work to answer her phone. So I have decided to tell the entire world what would have been just my conversation with her. I was at the grocery store today getting the essentials when I noticed a boy walk by. That's when I realized it was Lucas.

Now Gurney knows who Lucas is but most of you probably do not. Lucas is blind or very close to it. As far as I understand his story, and Gurney it's your fault for not picking up the phone if I get the details wrong, his Mom died of cancer when he was very young. As a result he was sent to live with his Aunts. His Aunts took him in, but were not ever planning on having children let alone one with special needs. So they had to make some very rapid and drastic changes to their lifestyle. Where Gurney comes in is that she would occasionally take Lucas out for a day of fun to give his Aunts a break. And where I come in is that I joined in a couple times.

Lucas is an exceptionally sweet child. He just needs some extra care. When I was with him I found that this could particularly challenging. For me the difficulty lied with his desire to be physically close to others. So when he talked to me, he liked to be only a few inches, if not centimeters, away from my face. Now despite his trouble with vision, Lucas is much like other proper boys. By that I mean he is germy and dirty. If you are a young boy and are not germy and dirty in the summer time this is sorrowful. And once we took him out for pizza, a rather messy dish for a blind child. When he would talk to me he liked to have his mouth inches from my face. I suppose it was very cute, but I had comfort issues. Other people who do not mind this sort of close physical proximity would just have had a ball, but it was difficult for me.

So I ran into him at the grocery store and wanted an update on his life for Gurney. The problem was I couldn't remember his name. It had been a couple years since I had seen him or heard about him. I didn't know a tactful way to handle the situation so I just asked his Aunt and she told me his name. He's now in the 8th grade, when I last saw him he was in the 5th, and is much taller now. When I saw him in the store I nearly didn't recognize him. But some things do not change, he still was all about being close to others. His Aunt said he is doing very well. I wanted to try and ask him some questions but found myself failing to come up with any good ones. Like I nearly asked him if he has gotten into any sports, after all he was wearing a very atheltic outfit, or if he's played any good video games lately, but then I realized those might not be the best questions to ask.

And that's the update on Lucas. Going into the 8th grade and has grown maybe as many inches.