Sunday, April 10, 2011

For Det Første Dato

For a couple weeks now I've been talking to someone on one of these dating sites. As usual the girl found me first, e-mailed me, and I responded. And yesterday we went on our first date.

Suzy, that's her name, lives about an hour away. For four years she lived in Europe doing missionary work. This has led her to have some interesting characteristics. For example, she can speak Norwegian. I thought this was pretty cool and so after we decided to meet I decided to go pick up a book on the subject. And I've been working at it a little bit for the past week. It's easy enough to read, but it's really hard for me to pronounce. I've never been very good with enunciation, and this language makes my tongue do somersaults trying to get these words out.

Another thing she's picked up is the attraction to European style dress for men. I'll admit they do tend to dress for success, but here in the states it's just not our way to dress really nice for day-to-day activities. I wish people would change out of their pajamas when they go out, so some sprucing up would be a good thing, but not to their extent. At some point I start to wonder where trying to look nice and professional crosses into just purely materialistic. Still it made me happy to hear that I may have found someone who will like my skinny jeans.

Our first date was at a coffee shop where she lives, and happily I arrived on time. We both got smoothies. Right away though I noticed something was wrong. All up to this point through our texts and e-mails, she seemed rather excited to meet up. But when I walked in, I got the feeling she didn't really want to be there. I was further convinced of this when every time I started talking she started yawning. Like I was literally putting her to sleep. She said she was exhausted from work, and this was possible since we met right after her shift, but still it's hard not to think that just a polite lie.

After our drinks we walked around down town, which is literally one city block. And soon enough she said she had to go. After my typical 3 - 6 hour first dates, this wasn't boding well for me. So I asked her what she thought and whether or not I'd get a second date. And she said she'd have to think about it, that she doesn't just jump into these sorts of things, but that I was nice. Well that's a nice put down if I've ever heard one.

So I felt a bit bummed because I didn't feel like we gave things a proper chance to have a go. But different strokes for different folks and all. When I got home I sent her a text saying thanks for meeting, and then surprise of surprise she wrote back and said not only that she had a good time but that she wants to come visit me and have dinner sometime. So maybe she really was just very tired from work. At any rate, at least there's another date in store.


Anonymous said...

Weird. Maybe she was nervous? It's worth another date, especially if she is willing to come to you. But it does sound like it's possible that she is boring or uninterested or something. Good luck!

Sarge said...

Some people yawn when they are nervous...If she wants to go out again either she is using you for something or she likes you. Can't hurt if you liked her

Spike said...

Since then, we continue to talk nearly everyday, and have future dates planned. Consequently, I've become a believer that she really was just exhausted from her shifts at work.

So no, I firmly believe she is neither using me or is boring. Ha ha, this blog is full of me making fiascos even though I was in the right frame of mind. Let's give her the benefit of the doubt here!