Tuesday, April 5, 2011

3 Days 3 Quotes

Cousin: The weather was beautiful yesterday and while I was walking my two year old daughter around the new neighborhood we passed by a house that was freshly mulched. She asked, "who pooped?"

My co-theology student: The Pope's new book on Jesus is out.
Me: Yes I heard. I've read some reviews on Amazon and they are all very good. At least last I checked. Apparently people of all faiths are digging it.
Yeah, I saw it there too.
Did you get it?
Well I went to the bookstore and saw it is really long.
Yeah, it is really long.
Did you pick it up?
No, when I was on Amazon I got Donkey Kong Country for the Wii.

After a cell-phone conversation about the soles of dress shoes and how far they should stick out from the main shoe.
Me: Hey, this reception is really good.
Yeah, it's not bad.
Aren't you still driving home from Pennsylvania?
That's incredible, I don't hear a peep. Really, this is great reception.
Oh, well I'm not driving at the moment. I'm in the restroom at McDonalds.