Monday, April 25, 2011

Bag of Bunnies

Happy Easter! Yesterday was a good day. I was up at 5 and consumed only candy and Mountain Dew until around 11:30 when I bowl of frosted mini-wheats. But they were the new fruit filled ones so I got my nutrition. In a first, this year the family came to visit me.

Now I've mentioned the girl who has been walking around the pond. Since then I have ran into her a few more times. last Thursday we were walking around when I asked about her Easter plans. Saddenly she said she had none because of upcoming finals and she couldn't afford to take the time off from her studies to make it home for Easter. So I invited over for lunch with my family. When I was in grad school I had to miss some of the major holidays so I know what it's like. What surprised was that she said okay and gave me her number. Well I didn't really expect she would come but nevertheless I got a phone number out of it.

And when lunch time came around, sure enough she backed out. But on Saturday and Sunday I still wound up talking with her. Saturday really was a completely chance encounter. I was going to go feed my friend's fish while he is out of town and decided to walk there. Now on Saturday I found out that she loves Mountain Dew and is Catholic. Oh my. Then on Sunday we purposely met up for a walk, where I gave her a bag of Easter candy from my basket. Every child should get candy at Easter. Then I found out she regularly goes to Mass and wants a big family. As she put it, she only has three older siblings. So we have a devote Catholic, who is super smart, loves pop, wants a large family, is quite attractive, and will be living in the same apartment complex as me for the next 2 years.

I was told by WAM that buying a ring at this point in time would not be proper.


Anonymous said...

Oh my gawd, this is going well! I'm glad that you met up for a walk! Don't be overly eager. Give it a break for a few days and see what happens.