Friday, August 20, 2010

A Simplier Dialect

At work today my roots showed came out a bit. One of my superiors called me over to see some results from a simulation. He felt the results could be wrong and might be indicating a bug. So I went into his office and took a look. The results were odd but possibly correct given how he set up the simulation. Trying to better understand the problem, I changed a few buttons and knobs to give us an answer that we could predict in our head. Then when we saw the solution we would immediately know whether there really is a bug or not. I ran the simulation, a few seconds later we got the results, and we displayed them on his computer to take a look. And without even thinking about it I said, "Well that there just ain't right."

I tried to play it off thinking maybe he wouldn't notice my choice of words if I acted natural. He noticed.