Friday, August 13, 2010

Arrow That Might Sting

At WAM's behest, which was really more of a constant insufferable nagging, yesterday I joined Ok Cupid. I got real excited because right away I got a message (through my cell phone), and since I don't have the internet I had to wait all night in order to read it early this morning when I could get online. Rushing to work, I found out it was her just saying how amazing my profile was and if I could only be closer to her we would definitely be an item. But I already knew all of this anyway. Actually she wanted to point out just how incompatible we apparently are. According to the website we should be enemies. In fact she has not yet seen someone more incompatible with her. This is interesting. Even one of my best friends is a far cry from what this site says I should be looking for.

Other than the message, and yes I was happy to hear from you WAM, I got a bunch of ladies who had ranked my profile. All gave me 4 out of 5 stars. That was a bit frustrating, because I think I should have 6 out of 5, but I suppose it's better than 0 out of 5.

After looking around I found a girl who, has finished grad school, loves dogs, is into salsa, and is Catholic. I sent her a message just a little while ago. If this doesn't work I'm just going to throw my arms up in the air and go become a priest or something.


Anonymous said...

Um, that's awesome! About the girls with dogs and a grad degree and salsa knowledge. Don't be offended if you don't hear right away, especially since it is the weekend and a lot of people don't check over the weekend.

By the way, how did you know people rated you 4 of 5 stars? Quickmatch?

I'm glad you joined, even if my message did disappoint you. :P