Sunday, August 2, 2009

Watering Hole

Global Warming is the best. I am completely for not stopping whatever it is we are doing to the atmosphere. And no I don't have any care for the polar bears. If they were cute and cuddly that would be one thing, but they wouldn't think twice about eating your face. As far as I'm concerned they can evolve or go away, but either way I don't really care so long as this beautiful weather stays. In fact the only thing keeping me from going out and burning styrofoam right now is that I have too much to say.

As you hopefully know (see Homebound if you don't know), I went home this weekend for my family reunion. And on Friday night I met up with one of my old childhood friends. We ended up going to Crosskeys. Crosskeys is one of the local bars whose manager and main bartender is also a friend of ours. Crosskeys is a bar for people who are not looking for a good time. You do not go to Crosskeys to pick up girls, dance or be a socialite. It's the type of place you dress down for, like unwashed dirty Blair's Farm and Fleet is fine. But that's also why I like this bar. No one is trying to make an impression on anyone.

My friend and I go up to the counter, order our drinks and start talking with the bartender. Not having seen these guys in about a year I want the local news. For the most part little has changed. The biggest news is that the Department of Energy (DOE) is pulling back on their guarantee of a $2Bil loan to the atomic plant over in Piketon. The plant needs it to secure the loans from the banks. The money is for building a major expansion to the plant. But since the guarantee isn't happening, it's likely several hundred people (across multiple states) will be out of work. The news is so bad that the CEO told the employees in an e-mail that 'Europe' called him up asking how our government could be so stupid. The effects of DOE's decision not to guarantee the loan will be felt throughout the world. For example the price of uranium is likely to sky rocket, making atomic power costly and potentially more dangerous as countries have to look elsewhere for their uranium needs (we supply uranium to other countries).

In other news a lot of my old friends are still literally smoking their lives away. I come from a very talented class. People say I'm smart, but whatever brains I have are solely from my working my butt off. Many of my friends are naturally brillant. Things just click for them. And a lot of them are now doctors, lawyers, engineers, scientists, historians, and artists. Ours was a talented class. So it breaks my heart when I hear that even one of my friends is still heavily involved in drugs. And it's not just one, it's many. These guys peaked at highschool. And what gets me even madder is that my other friends, who see these guys all the time, never do anything about it. I ask my friend if he ever tells them to stop and he says "Naw man, I don't get involved." That's just bad friendship right there.

At one point in the night, three blondes came in who were about our age but we never saw before. The bartender got them their drinks and they went to a table. A little while later two of Chillicothe's finest came in got some drinks and sat at an adjacent table. Soon the girls started talking to the guys. They initiated the conversation. Then one of the guys walks up to the counter, shouts to the girls to ask what they want, he gets the drinks and then the two guys go and sit with the girls. And I was flabbergasted (first time I've used that word in a sentence). I couldn't figure out why those girls would talk to those two guys before talking to me and my friend. Something was more attractive about those guys than my friend and I. I asked my friend and the bartender and they both didn't have any answers.

Well that was Friday night. Tomorrow I'll introduce you to my family.