Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Basketball is a rather fascinating sport. Here there be giants. Afterall it isn’t everyday you see a 7-foot tall man walking around. Additionally for those of us who have played basketball in our driveways it can be particularly astonishing to see professionals play it. When we watch other sports, like say water polo, or other ones that we don’t ever play, it can be hard to appreciate the skill of the professionals. But basketball is something everyone’s played. We know we are lucky to touch the strings of the net, and squeal with delight if we make a basket from the foul line.

This weekend I went to my first basketball game. Now I had been in this stadium a few times before, and everytime I was way up high, so the court looked really small. This time I was in the 2nd row. So you have the floor, then row 1 and then me. And I was at midcourt. So I was a little excited because I figured being so low, that maybe the players would seem as tall as they are in real life, and not like little ants when seen from so far above. And they were. They were really tall. The only problem was that there were several rows of floor seats. So I was still a ways back from the court, and all the people on the floor chose to stand the whole time. That meant I could not see the players very well if they were towards the side of the court closest to me. It was also a little odd. Those people on the floor probably paid very high sums to get those seats, but because of all the rows and all being on the same level (the floor), the people in the back rows would have had a terrible view with all those people in front of them. I saw two very small girls in the back row and there was no way they could see anything. So I suppose there is more to a basketball game than the game itself.

With the view I had, I think the best seats would either be slightly higher than where I was, or possibly on the other side of the court where the press was on the floor. The press stays seated so if you’re right behind them you can still see fine. But it wasn’t all bad. In fact it was very fun. I went with Monica, and we had two guys directly behind us who were quite talkative. I’m not exactly sure who they were talking to all the time, but I told Monica that it was nice having our own personal sportscasters to help us understand what was going on. In fact, despite the blocked view, they often seemed to be able to see the game better than the refs.

I wasn’t exactly sure who to root for, but decided to go with the advice set forth in the baseball song and rooted for the home team. Although half the time I was clapping for the other team. I kept forgetting I wasn’t supposed to clap for them. They kept making nice plays and good shots, and I felt like clapping. Unfortunately though, they made too many nice plays and good shots and they won the game. But Monica and I had fun. I recorded the game on TV and watched it to see if I made it to the big screen but no. At one point Monica saw us on the billboard but it was during a commercial. Maybe if we had the uncut version of the game you’d be able to see us.