Sunday, January 9, 2011

Late Night Competitive Dancing

Helmuth von Moltke the Elder, would support me when I say that nothing I ever plan goes according to plan. That's an obscure reference, but with a name as cool as that, I'm definitely using it. I was supposed to meet with Monica on Friday, but plans changed and we decided to meet yesterday. This time she came up to visit me for the first time. Now it my responsibility to figure out our activities. And I came up with several ideas. First I thought we could eat in and make a meal. Then we could go ice-skating, bowling, glow-in-the-dark putt-putting, salsa dancing, or play pool.

Monica told me she is not a huge meat person, so I tried to come up with a vegetarian dish. She also said she wanted to go to the mall so that she could potentially use one of the gift cards she got for Christmas. But we were also going to Mass. So now things started to become busy, and I figured the easiest but still fantastic tasting dish to make would be grilled cheese and tomato soup. I had all these ideas and meal put in my head but didn't tell her to keep her guessing.

On Saturday she came up with her sister who happened to be going to a birthday party in town. I showed Monica my place, and then we went to Church and were joined by her sister, who I met for the first time. After Mass, I got to talk briefly with her sister and then Monica and I went off to the grocery store. She was okay with my dinner idea, but decided she really wanted to cook something more involved, so we walked up and down the aisles and decided to make fajitas. She said meat is okay but that she never really craves lots of it, like steak. That could be a red flag. But the fajitas we made were amazing. Over dinner we talked, amongst other things, about how this was our third date and whether ir was supposed to end with a kiss or a hug.

After that we went to the mall, and discussed my activites. She liked all of them but I could tell she wasn't super enthused about any of them. So I said, that I would be perfectly fine just heading back to my place to play "Just Dance 2" which I purcased earlier that day. She thought that was a marvelous idea (I purchased the game because she practically told me to), and we did that. She gets very serious about her video game playing. She actually went into my bathroom to change into a short sleeve t-shirt and shorts. We had some extremely close matches, with only 5 point differences, and it was a lot of fun.

After this we played a few games on the Playstation, but I had sort of wanted to talk about our relationship and hear what she thought about it. So while loading up Pac-man I asked her about it. This sort of threw her off guard, as it's not necessarily something you just discuss, and then I explained. I said that typically when I get into a relationship, it comes naturally from an already well devleoped friendship. But in this new sort of situation I didn't really know what the protocol is and was wondering what she thought. At this point I wasn't doing to good in Pac-man and got frustrated while trying to talk to her so I turned it off and we put on Season 1 of 'Arrested Development' as background noise as we continued talking.

She too wasn't sure how to handle this situation we are in because it is new to her as well. So we decided the best route to take would be to just continuing to develop a friendship and see how things naturally progress. I was fine with this.

As we were sitting there watching TV, I mentioned to her that I found it amusing that she sat right in the middle of the couch. In that way, no matter where I sat I had to sit somewhere near her. At this she growled a bit and scooted way to the other side. At some point her sister called saying she was getting ready to come over. She asked what we were doing and I said cuddling, because at this point I was listening in on the phone call and I was shoulder to shoulder with her. She looked at me and asked, "You call this cuddling?" And I said no, but I wanted to see what her sister would say. Which was nothing. After the phone call, I decided to be sly and said, "this is what I consider cuddling" and I tried to pull her over into a sort of hugging position. But she yelled that it was extremely uncomfortable, and tried to show me her cuddling position. Her idea of cuddling was to sit side-by-side holding hands. I told her this seemed like a Victorian style of cuddling and that I felt obligated to sit with perfect posture and in fine clothes complete with leggings in this position. So we spent the next fifteen minutes or so discussing the mechanics of cuddling, and just as we got fairly comfortable her sister walked right into my apartment.

She plopped down on the couch too and we talked for the next hour. Monica's sister is extremely nice and also quite interesting. After five minutes of being there she said to me, "You're nice, I like you." I had no idea how to respond to this matter-of-fact statement so I didn't. Some time went by and she said it again. This time I said, "thank you, but you're making me feel like a character in Borat." "I like you". Early on, like right away, I started questioning her about the guy she was with all night long. Monica gave me the details, that she is friends with a guy who apparently is head over heels for her, but she thinks they're just friends. And we talked about this for awhile, when Monica interrupted and said, "You see what I mean? He gets you talking about anything." Earlier in the night, Monica said one of the things that surprised her about me, but that she likes very much is that she feels very comfortable talking about anything to me and she felt that very early on in our relationship, whereas with some people she doesn't feel that way or takes a long time to warm up to them. I think I'm just curious.

Around 12:30 they hit the road and I turned off "Arrested Development" which was stil playing and hit my bed. So the night was fun and great all around, and nearly completely made up minute by minute.


Jake said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I like the way this one sounds so far... good work Greg. P.S. the previous comment was from me but I had to delete when I saw it was under Jake's name, but i'm sure he agrees as well...he is just sleeping right now.