Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Half Plus Seven

As a part of the preparation for the upcoming retreat in November, the team leader is supposed to come up with a sacrifice that we can all do to sort of generate some extra graces for the participants. For example, the first week we were asked to learn the "Hail Mary" in Latin ("Ave Maria", the same as that beautiful song). This past week we were asked to meet with one person on the team who didn't already know very well. The person I met with was Meghan. Meghan and I had both been on team for another retreat two years ago. We were already fairly well acquainted through that retreat but we've never hung out or anything, and we don't know anything about each other so we thought it would be a good "sacrifice" on both are parts to grab dinner together last night.

During dinner, we talked about everything and anything from grandma's with cancer to whether or not bars in the local area have swing dance nights (they do not in case you're curious). At some point she decided she needed to ask me about my lady situation. At this point I looked at my watch, and after some thought on it I felt there was enough time to give her a good overview of my trials.

Now at this point in the conversation she told me not to get discouraged, because I have plenty of time. To illustrate this point she told me about her friend, whose Dad, when she was in highschool, was 83! She was his only child and her Mom was his one and only wife! No way. The husband and wife had a 30 year difference. So therefore, according to Meghan, I have a 60 year to span to work from, starting from the pre-conceived to some of my friend's Moms. That would be so weird, being the step-Dad of my friends.