Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Celebrating All Those Who Have Their Halos

Proper children do not have to be told to go outside. No matter what the season or weather, children love to play outside. Or they should. Sometimes they do not want to go outside no matter how beautiful the day. During the most exceptionally nice days, if the child does not want to go outside, sometimes the parents get involved and say something like, "get outside and go have fun". They understand that on days that marvelous it is not time to be inside watching tv or doing whatever. On those days it's time to be outside and enjoying it.

Today is All Saint's Day and it is a Holy Day of Obligation. Today is when we celebrate all those who have gone on to Heaven before us, and also ask them for their prayers of support. Now some people may not like being obliged to go to Church. However, in reality these are like the improperly ordered children who would rather be inside on a beautiful day. This day is so wonderful that we are obliged to celebrate. The Church has said you need to go have a good time.

I like that. Again, the Church tends to get serious about having a good time, and today is one of those days. So have an extra scoop of ice-cream tonight, and be sure to send up some prayers to your favorite saints. And with today being All Saints Day and tomorrow being All Souls Day, here is a song that I think helps us remind us that today and tomorrow are supposed to be celebrations rather than sorrowful memorials.