Friday, October 28, 2011

Homemade Masquerade

The annual costume and chili contest was held today where I work. Last year I went as the Joker and won the costume contest. But by not voting for myself in the chili competition I placed second. Well this year I won the chili competition but I lost the costume competition.

Winning the chili competition was a given because my Mom makes the best everything, and since I used her recipe, and this year executed it correctly, no one had a chance.

Losing the costume contest was a surprise. But that was because I constantly forget just how little taste and appreciation others have for fine arts and anything that requires even a modicum of skill and time. But I'm trying to be a good sport about it all and not have a fit. While I would have upended my chili in a fit of rage over losing the competition, it was completely depleted by my co-workers. I think next year I will make it exceptionally spicy. At any rate, even though I lost, I was very pleased with how my costume turned out and knew I couldn't really have done much better.

Having always like Venetian masks, this year I decided to try and make one. I'm actually not sure why I like them, because that scene in Labyrinth where I first saw them always seemed a little creepy to me as a little kid. But I got some paper mache and paint and went at it. Below are some photos of me in the final product.


Anonymous said...

That is terrifying.