Sunday, October 23, 2011

Double Surprise

What a busy month it has been. Let's just get right to it. A couple weeks ago Sarah had her birthday, which I was unable to be in town for. Nevertheless I was still able to get her some presents.

Prior to her birthday I hadn't heard much from her. Gurney had been right texting her an invitation to something and that would give me an idea on where we stood. But other than that one text message she responded to me with, that had really been it. So her birthday was my chance to shine a bit. And I treated it as a "if this doesn't work nothing will" sort of event. The whole time I was up in the air as to how she'd react. My plan was to leave her a gift bright and early in the morning before she headed out, and another later that night that she'd receive after coming home from her evening class. That night gift I wouldn't be able to deliver. And I wanted to leave them at her door as a surprise rather than give them to her personally. The reason being that it would take away any potential awkwardness.

As the morning wore on and I still hadn't heard from her I was on pins and needles. I was so consumed with wondering how she was going to react, I tried to do things to take my mind off it. Ha ha, I actually did some work for once. Around 10:30 I finally heard from her. She said she loved the gift and even commented on some of the particulars, which to me was great to hear because doing that made her sound genuine. It was a text message but it was still nice to get.

So that night I had my other friend who lives where I do deliver the other gifts, while I headed out of town. Again I was getting worked up on how she'd respond because this time the gifts were a little more involved. They were inexpensive but clearly required a bit of effort to get together. And later that evening she called.