Thursday, December 10, 2009

Misunderstood Controversy

A while back I wrote about how I was upset with the press for messing up a story on Nancy Pelosi. Well the press is at it again messing up a story on President Obama. This time they are saying that his acceptance speech of the Nobel Peace Prize dealt with the controversy of him receiving a peace prize while leading a nation at war. But this is the first time I've heard anyone say this is the controversy. The real controversy is that he was nominated for the prize 2 weeks after he was elected and still hadn't done anything yet. He won the prize on potential acts. That's the controversy I've been hearing about. And I think it's undefendable. Otherwise I want my Ph.D. in EE right now because I certainly have the potential to get it. Or better yet, give me the Masters of Theology I was supposed to be getting at the end of this year had the school not shut down.

In other news I'm at the library right now. I've pretty much given up on the two online dating sites I look at. I could never get the few people I was interested in to write me back, and I kept getting written to by people I was not interested in. However, I just saw the guy next to me at Now that has promise.


OnlineBootyCall said...

We're not sure what two dating sites you've been working with, but that guy at the library had the right idea!

If you're looking for fun, you'll find it at OBC ;)!