Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Hello Goodbye

This past week I have been on travel back to where I was last month. I didn't have ice-cream this time from the nice stop though. Instead I decided to try new brands from the grocery store, although I feel a little bad about not supporting the local businesses. The brands I tried were interesting, I got a blackberry flavored brand and another that is like carrot cake.

The last time I was here, Sarah was back where we live just hanging out. It was her first time all year where she didn't have to worry about school and was in town. That made me being here particularly aggravating. Shortly after I got back she went home to visit her family and receive her friend from Scotland. Her friend is Chinese by descent and actually lived there for a number of years before moving to Scotland. But she doesn't have a Chinese accent, she has an English accent, so she's pretty amazing to talk to. I know this because after being home for about a week they both came back to where I live for a week. And their last night in we all got to hang out. Other than that, Sarah and I mostly just got to talk when we happened to run into each other around the apartment complex.

So she went back home to spend the last few days with her friend and I went off on my business trip and here we are. Tomorrow I go back, but she is going to be staying at home for awhile longer because she is helping her parents around their house.

So it seems like Sarah and I get to meet to say goodbye. The first date has still yet to occur. But the few times we do get to meet up things go about as well as could ever be hoped for. Like for example, the night I came back into town last time I got in around 11. But Sarah and I still met up to go on a walk around the complex and spent a little over an hour together outside by the pond. The next day we were supposed to go on a picnic but she got sick, possibly from food poisioning, so I made her homemade chicken soup and took it to her. I had never made chicken soup but it came out really well and she ate all of it. Unfortunately that didn't help her stomach any and she was sick for the rest of the evening and we didn't get to meet that night. But we did get to spend the day time together outside again by the pond. Nevertheless, with all this spearation coupled with very little communication, I suppose it should be easy to start to grow concerned about our situation, which is not likely to improve for the next week or even longer due to another out of country friend of hers, this time from Australia, possibly coming in to visit. But I have carrot cake ice-cream and it's hard to be worried when you have carrot cake ice-cream to help pull you through.