Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Beat Those Eggs

The other day I had a hankering for Key Lime Pie. When I desire key lime pie it comes as a surprise because I do not particularly care for the pie or even for limes in general. For me they are just too tart or sour or whatever flavor it is about them that makes me pucker my mouth. But nevertheless occasionally I get cravings for the pie. I think it's the color that attracts me. The pie has that nice green color that really works well against the brown crust. So it looks really appetizing. If this sounds weird I think it's similar to vanilla which smells so good but tastes so bad. That smell makes me want to eat, just as that look of the pie makes me want to eat it.

And so the other day I made one. Nearly from scratch, but I decided to use the pre-made graham cracker crust. The interesting part about making the pie was the topping. The pie part required two egg yolks. I hate being wasteful and now I had two egg whites. So I decided to make a meringue topping rather than use whipped cream. The idea behind meringue is that if you beat the whites and add sugar, and just keep beating them, eventually you get this amazing white fluffy concoction. It really does take a while though. Like I was sitting there beating the eggs and the sugar and nothing was happening. But after a couple minutes eventually everything changed. That was so cool. Okay, probably most of us have at least seen this before, but I haven't done it myself before and I thought it was cool enough to warrant posting about.

The other thing I learned about key lime pie is that the green color is artificially produced with food coloring. That took some of the magic out of it, because I thought lime juice would be green. But it was fun adding the food coloring. I felt like an artist adding dabs of yellow and green to get just the right color.

And with that right color and fluffy white topping the pie really looks great. The problem is it still tastes like limes.