Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Scrumptious Bunch of Bite Sized Bears

Chocolate Chai Latte's taste like Teddy Grahams. I made this discovery last night at a coffee shop 45 minutes from where I live. And I was there on a date.

We had been talking for a couple weeks through e-mail, and finally decided to meet up. We might have sooner if not for the holidays. We had decided to meet at the coffee shop at 6:00. As we were discussing where to meet through the e-mails, I pointed out to her that while I hate coffee it seems like coffee dates are the most traditional first dates and so we should do it anyway. She, Monica, also doesn't like coffee but suggested it because it does seem like the most comfortable way to meet someone new. So we decided to both go to a place that specializes in drinks that neither of us like. And they do have other drinks, such as the Chai Latte, which was suprisingly good, because I have never been a terribly huge fan of Teddy Grahams and didn't think my tastes would change with them in liquid form.

When we arrived we found the coffee shop closes at 7, but we decided to get some drinks anyway and I decided to eat. She already had dinner, and while I felt a little uncomfortable eating in front of a relative stranger I also had no idea when I might get another chance to eat, and on Tuesday's the coffee shop had a BBQ sandwich special which I was unable to pass up. The sandwich was very good. I suppose her company was very good too, but that sandwich really was rather good.

When we sat down, she immediately took over the conversation which made me feel a bit uncomfortable. First off, she was asking me questions at a mile a minute, most of which required lengthy responses. Trying to work on proper table manners, this meant I was unallowed to eat and talk with my mouth full as usual. So I had to let my food sit a bit while I chatted away about myself. And I really wanted to eat that sandwich. The other problem was that I don't like talking about myself for long periods of time, even if I'm asked questions about myself because I don't want to sound like I'm very self-centered. Yes I'm sensational, but we musn't brag. But eventually I was able to start asking her some questions and then things became more back and forth. And it was nice that she was talkative and wanted to ask a ton of questions right away.

At 7 we decided to go either to Steak and Shake or Buffalo Wild Wings. I chose BW3s because it seemed like an easier atmosphere for talking. It is a little louder so we would be less likely to be overheard, which is good from my standpoint, and the many TV screens give us something to look at during any potential periods of silence as we think about what to talk about next. We made some small orders and continued to chat for four hours before I felt I should get on the road.

During the night we talked about pretty much anything you could think of. From the existence of objective morality to whether or not current pop music is good for dancing. She thinks it is, and I think she is nuts. She has two friends who are also teachers that are around her age, and when she told them about me when we still e-mailing they just had to see my Profile and Facebook page. Well apparently they got jealous of her and signed up too. In fact, being a small world, I am one of theirs third highest match. However, like my friend, neither of them have pictures posted, so I haven't seen them. Anyway, while my friend gets e-mails fairly frequently for someone with no pictures, they haven't received any, and their other top matches are guys that are rather underwhelming from what I hear. I found this all rather complementing because I'm not used to causing jealously.

So in the end we spent 5 hours talking away, and I found it all to be a pleasant time. At no point did I feel like any red flags were being waved about, and she and I both want to meet up again sometime. Although I have no idea when, where, or for what.

If I have any problem it is a very small one. She reminds me both in looks and mannerisms of another girl I know. Now when I first met this girl we hit it off quickly, we became good friends, and I had wanted to try going on a few dates with her. But overtime I realized that we would not make a good couple at all. With this new girl I am trying to differentiate the two, saying she is a completely different person. Or maybe she really is very similar but the extra years have made a difference. In other words, despite some similarities I'm keeping an open mind. I suppose this could almost sound like I'm already looking for an out, but I don't think so. Say we have a great friend from our past, and this new person acts just like our friend. Then our first impression would be that this person could potentially also be a great friend. Well the same is true here, but just opposite. Now I really don't think she is so similar to this other friend of mine that it's a game killer, it's just a few of the similarities are something I've noted in the back of my head.

So there you have it. A successful first date with more to come.