Monday, March 29, 2010

Old Bird

No one listens to me. Yesterday I went to Meijer to pick up one of their Rotisserie chickens. Maybe due to all the students coming back from their Spring Break they were out. But I went up to the counter and asked an employee if any more were coming. The employee was this very tiny, elderly, Asian lady. One of those types who, while old, appears physically capable of out working you and is as stubborn as a mule. She took me to the oven, showed me the birds, and told me to come back in 5 minutes.

So I went off to get some more essentials, which in this case was orange and grape juice (no pop for Lent has me drinking a ton of juice), and apples. Now that I think about it, I did quite good yesterday getting healthy food for once. Anyway, I went back and the lady asked me what flavor would I like. Meijer has three flavors, original, barbecue and lemon herb. 'I'll have an original please.' 'We don't have it. Just barbecue or lemon' 'Okay, then I'll try out the barbecue one.' 'No. I'll give you the lemon herb.' 'Oh, I'm sorry I said barbecue (thinking she didn't hear me, she is old after all)'. 'No, my family loves the lemon herb, you will too, I'm going to get it for you.' 'Alright then I'll try that.' 'Hold on I need to find a big one for you.' Then she brought it back and spoke at length about how much her family likes it and what a good choice I made.

Turns out she was right. It really is good, much better than I expected. I was expecting it to be more lemony than it actually tastes.