Wednesday, March 3, 2010

CATs not to pet

One of my friends, who is a student teacher, called last night. She told me she was exhausted because she had spent the whole day leading and monitoring a standardized exam that all her 3rd graders were required to take.

That reminded me of the 4th grade. In the 4th grade, my classmates and I were required to take the California Achievement Test (CAT). I'm not sure why there wasn't an OAT for us to take, but I suppose being 4th graders we all liked cats better than oats anyway so maybe it was for the best. This was the first time I had ever taken a standardized test before and I remember that I got a bit stumped trying to complete it. I couldn't get through the first page that was asking for my information. I got my name down just fine, but then it asked for my 'gender'. Well I'm a boy, or maybe a man, but those choices weren't provided. Instead they had 'male' and 'female'. I had never been exposed to those words before and had no idea what they meant. And I was too embarrassed to ask because I felt that it was something I should have known. I also didn't want to ask one of my friends, because I couldn't trust that they wouldn't play a trick on me and tell me the wrong answer to make me look like a girl. My solution was to look off one of the other guys exams. I still remember trying to sneak a peek at Anthony's exam. But I think he caught me. Nevertheless I found out I am a male and got to take the rest of this very difficult exam.