This is one of those posts were it is best read with a tune playing in the backround. So open this link in a new tab and then read on. And if it isn't long enough for you to finish reading all this, then here is another.
Staying up until midnight, is quite challenging for me. If I'm engaged in some highly enjoyable activity that requires some sort of physical movement, maybe like salsa dancing getting there can be easier, but ultimately my sugar crash is going to come. And on New Year's Eve I found myself unable to make it until midnight. Nevertheless, the daytime was full of activity.
Apparently the first date had been successful enough that Monica wanted to meet up again. We had planned to meet on Sunday where I live, but a change of her plans prevented this from happening. So we decided to meet Friday morning where she lives. Again we started at the coffee shop. This time I got a mango smoothie. There we talked for a while, and then we hopped in her car for a tour of the town. First we went out of town to a much smaller town to see a very fast soda can dispensing machine. In the middle of "down town" there are two pop machines that are very old outside of a local shop. You put in 75 cents, and press the button. But before you've even taken your finger off the button your can of pop is sitting for you. The speed of these two very old machines really is surprising. It's like flipping a light switch, and there's little noise. You look down and the can is there.
So now fueled with some more sugar we went back into Monica's town and had the tour. First I wanted to see the plots she is thinking about buying to build a house on. Right now she lives at home to save money for a house rather than renting out an apartment. Next we went to her school and saw her classroom, the library and the gym. In the gym it just so happened that the 7th grade volleyball team was finishing up their practice. We went in and all her students screamed their greetings. I could tell she is very well liked amongst her students. The students looked at me, but didn't talk to me or ask her about me. But she might get some questions when school starts later this week. I noticed two pull up bars on the wall and told her to do a pull up. She tried but mostly just hung there. One of the 7th graders tried, and also just hung there. Then she told me to do one. This was not something I wanted to do. I doubt I could even hang there. But my ego required me to show off in front of a bunch of 7th grade girls so I gave it a try. And remarkably I was able to do one. But that wasn't good enough, Monica then told me to do it one handed. And believe it or not I was able to do two of them! So that was special. I told her that she didn't realize it yet but that I'm a hunk.
Next we went downtown to see where her Dad works. He's the manager of a car dealership. The day before the dealership in this little town sold 22 cars. Monica said it's for tax purposes that people are buying them. After the dealership I noticed a gentleman's clothing store and asked if it is any good. She said it's really good, and asked if I wanted to stop. I said I was looking for a sports jacket, and we ended up going in. The guy working and Monica agreed that I am not old enough to wear a tweed sports jacket. I had really wanted one so this was a let down. The guy also said that it wouldn't be appropriate for my reason for buying it. He said I needed a black blazer. And I said, that I already have a black suit coat, so it doesn't make much sense to me to get essentially another black suit coat except with shiny big buttons. He said I needed to anyway, and pulled one off the rack. Both he and Monica said it looked fantastic. And it did, even wearing my blue jeans, so I got it. While in there we had a lot of fun walking around and seeing completely overpriced Bill Cosby sweaters and other very bold rather ugly clothing that apparently is in style. But some of the clothing was indeed very nice like Monica said.
After that we went bowling. We played two games, she won. That's all I want to say about that.
Then we went to Wal-Mart to get some food for a New Year's party she was going to later that night. She wanted pickles, because at home she had cream cheese and salami. She wanted to roll the pickles in the salami and cream cheese. This was one of her first red flags. Cream cheese is gross. Throughout the day we had been talking about her parents' reaction to her hanging out with me. We talked about visiting her home but I could tell she wasn't ready quite yet. But by the time we left Wal-Mart she wanted to still hangout so she decided to let me come over so we could roll up the pickles.
Her parents are both nice. After the pickles I got the grand tour. The house is extremely well decorated. But it is a little odd. The parents have a first floor master bedroom. The house is decorated very traditionally but very nicely, and then you walk into the master suite. The master suite is essentially a lounge down in a beach theme. There is a sofa in the bedroom and all the furniture is wicker and the colors are all pastel blues and yellows, and white. Then you go into the master bathroom, which is actually an addition to the house, and again it is a beach theme. From the bedroom you can go outside to their backyard, where they have a pool and beach house. All of this is also very well done, but going from the rest of the house to the bedroom is so jarring that I'm surprised they did it. Monica said her Mom likes the beach theme.
We went up to her bedroom. She likes to accessorize and I saw her table of accessories. On it she had four pairs of eyeglass frames with regular glass. This is apparently all the rage nowadays. She tried them all on and told me what styles they were supposed to convey. Given she wasn't dressed for any of the styles they all looked bad, but I suppose they could look good. For example, pretty much any girl is going to look good dressed as a librarian :) Anyway, when she showed me the nerd glasses I tried it on. It had very large glass in them, almost like rectangular aviators, and thick black rims. When I put them on she squealed saying, "You look sooo good. If you were walking down the street wearing them, girls would drool over you." I went and looked in the mirror and thought I looked a lot like Elvis Costello. I don't know if he's exactly what ladies like, but I like his style so I was happy.
Shortly after this we had to get going so she could get on to her party. And that was the end of date number 2. I was told the next day, that her Mom was very happy with me. I thought I could have made a better first impression. When we went to the house we were a little rushed, and I'm not very good with asking short answer questions. So I didn't know really what to say to her parents, and they had to ask me everything to keep the conversation going. But if we had more time, I would have had things to talk about. As for upcoming events, we are planning to meet this Friday, after a basket ball game she has to help out with. We are going to grab dinner, and apparently her friends are going to be with her.
If you do not know who Elvis Costello is, this is a sadness. Your parents probably would though. Here is his picture.

Staying up until midnight, is quite challenging for me. If I'm engaged in some highly enjoyable activity that requires some sort of physical movement, maybe like salsa dancing getting there can be easier, but ultimately my sugar crash is going to come. And on New Year's Eve I found myself unable to make it until midnight. Nevertheless, the daytime was full of activity.
Apparently the first date had been successful enough that Monica wanted to meet up again. We had planned to meet on Sunday where I live, but a change of her plans prevented this from happening. So we decided to meet Friday morning where she lives. Again we started at the coffee shop. This time I got a mango smoothie. There we talked for a while, and then we hopped in her car for a tour of the town. First we went out of town to a much smaller town to see a very fast soda can dispensing machine. In the middle of "down town" there are two pop machines that are very old outside of a local shop. You put in 75 cents, and press the button. But before you've even taken your finger off the button your can of pop is sitting for you. The speed of these two very old machines really is surprising. It's like flipping a light switch, and there's little noise. You look down and the can is there.
So now fueled with some more sugar we went back into Monica's town and had the tour. First I wanted to see the plots she is thinking about buying to build a house on. Right now she lives at home to save money for a house rather than renting out an apartment. Next we went to her school and saw her classroom, the library and the gym. In the gym it just so happened that the 7th grade volleyball team was finishing up their practice. We went in and all her students screamed their greetings. I could tell she is very well liked amongst her students. The students looked at me, but didn't talk to me or ask her about me. But she might get some questions when school starts later this week. I noticed two pull up bars on the wall and told her to do a pull up. She tried but mostly just hung there. One of the 7th graders tried, and also just hung there. Then she told me to do one. This was not something I wanted to do. I doubt I could even hang there. But my ego required me to show off in front of a bunch of 7th grade girls so I gave it a try. And remarkably I was able to do one. But that wasn't good enough, Monica then told me to do it one handed. And believe it or not I was able to do two of them! So that was special. I told her that she didn't realize it yet but that I'm a hunk.
Next we went downtown to see where her Dad works. He's the manager of a car dealership. The day before the dealership in this little town sold 22 cars. Monica said it's for tax purposes that people are buying them. After the dealership I noticed a gentleman's clothing store and asked if it is any good. She said it's really good, and asked if I wanted to stop. I said I was looking for a sports jacket, and we ended up going in. The guy working and Monica agreed that I am not old enough to wear a tweed sports jacket. I had really wanted one so this was a let down. The guy also said that it wouldn't be appropriate for my reason for buying it. He said I needed a black blazer. And I said, that I already have a black suit coat, so it doesn't make much sense to me to get essentially another black suit coat except with shiny big buttons. He said I needed to anyway, and pulled one off the rack. Both he and Monica said it looked fantastic. And it did, even wearing my blue jeans, so I got it. While in there we had a lot of fun walking around and seeing completely overpriced Bill Cosby sweaters and other very bold rather ugly clothing that apparently is in style. But some of the clothing was indeed very nice like Monica said.
After that we went bowling. We played two games, she won. That's all I want to say about that.
Then we went to Wal-Mart to get some food for a New Year's party she was going to later that night. She wanted pickles, because at home she had cream cheese and salami. She wanted to roll the pickles in the salami and cream cheese. This was one of her first red flags. Cream cheese is gross. Throughout the day we had been talking about her parents' reaction to her hanging out with me. We talked about visiting her home but I could tell she wasn't ready quite yet. But by the time we left Wal-Mart she wanted to still hangout so she decided to let me come over so we could roll up the pickles.
Her parents are both nice. After the pickles I got the grand tour. The house is extremely well decorated. But it is a little odd. The parents have a first floor master bedroom. The house is decorated very traditionally but very nicely, and then you walk into the master suite. The master suite is essentially a lounge down in a beach theme. There is a sofa in the bedroom and all the furniture is wicker and the colors are all pastel blues and yellows, and white. Then you go into the master bathroom, which is actually an addition to the house, and again it is a beach theme. From the bedroom you can go outside to their backyard, where they have a pool and beach house. All of this is also very well done, but going from the rest of the house to the bedroom is so jarring that I'm surprised they did it. Monica said her Mom likes the beach theme.
We went up to her bedroom. She likes to accessorize and I saw her table of accessories. On it she had four pairs of eyeglass frames with regular glass. This is apparently all the rage nowadays. She tried them all on and told me what styles they were supposed to convey. Given she wasn't dressed for any of the styles they all looked bad, but I suppose they could look good. For example, pretty much any girl is going to look good dressed as a librarian :) Anyway, when she showed me the nerd glasses I tried it on. It had very large glass in them, almost like rectangular aviators, and thick black rims. When I put them on she squealed saying, "You look sooo good. If you were walking down the street wearing them, girls would drool over you." I went and looked in the mirror and thought I looked a lot like Elvis Costello. I don't know if he's exactly what ladies like, but I like his style so I was happy.
Shortly after this we had to get going so she could get on to her party. And that was the end of date number 2. I was told the next day, that her Mom was very happy with me. I thought I could have made a better first impression. When we went to the house we were a little rushed, and I'm not very good with asking short answer questions. So I didn't know really what to say to her parents, and they had to ask me everything to keep the conversation going. But if we had more time, I would have had things to talk about. As for upcoming events, we are planning to meet this Friday, after a basket ball game she has to help out with. We are going to grab dinner, and apparently her friends are going to be with her.
If you do not know who Elvis Costello is, this is a sadness. Your parents probably would though. Here is his picture.
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