Thursday, July 1, 2010

Someone Has A New Phone Number

While I did not leave last night's salsa lesson with a phone number it was still fun. We worked on posture, something I should definitely pay more attention to. But that also meant another thing I had to focus on. First it was footwork, keeping on beat, and executing the moves. Now we added a fourth. I also got to dance with the female instructor nearly the entire night. The male instructor wouldn't let the other girls dance with me. I'm not sure why that was. There were 4 guys and 3 girls so that meant for a few minutes each guy had to do the moves without a partner. Which made me feel bad because not only did I always have a girl but I had the instructor to help me.

Despite the fun, I had still wanted a phone number. A little unsatisfied I went out at 10:30 to the bar downtown that has salsa dancing on Wednesdays. I walked in and walked right back out. I didn't know anyone, and I think every lady in there was either already dancing with a guy or talking to a guy. I didn't see any girls not dancing or just standing in a group of girls.

So still unsatisfied I decided to take a look at my class' e-mail listing and see if I could track down Kaylee from it. And I did. Speaking of which her name is spelled Kailee. Fortunately her e-mail is one of those that uses the full name all spelled out, which is why I was able to read it. And how I was able to come up with an excuse to e-mail her.

This evening I wrote her an e-mail, basically stating that being a holiday weekend all the people in class said they were going to be out of town. I told her that I am not, and am trying to make a better effort at going out and practicing. So I went through the class listing to see if I saw any names I recognized, saw hers, and decided to ask if she'd like to go dancing sometime this weekend.

I haven't gotten a response yet, but I sent the e-mail about an hour ago. My problem with e-mails, and as you may have gathered from this blog, I tend to be wordy. I didn't want to make it too long, but I wanted to sound humorous and easy-going, so I had to put a few extra sentences in that were amusing and inviting her to bring others she may know that would like to join us.

While opinions may vary on whether or not I should have sent the e-mail, I didn't feel like waiting another whole week. This way she has my number, and I can rest for awhile not thinking about it.


Anonymous said...

I fully approve of your sending the email, particularly since you didn't have to be a stalker to find it out.

Spike said...

Opinions have been mixed. For example, one person said I was stalker because the e-mail was 3 weeks old (it was sent just before class started 3 weeks ago). But so far the majority feels it was fine to send the e-mail.

Ha, I should figure out how to make a polling feature. Although a poll of 2 or 3 isn't exactly a good sampling.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I might be your only regular poll taker. But hey, you usually like my opinions, yeah? It could be self-reinforcing.

Spike said...

Oh yes. Everything you say is pretty much exactly what I need to do. Which is why you need to stop with all your nerdy scholarly pursuits and get to writing the book.

Until it is published you have to balance your time with continuing these helpful supportive comments.